Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post
Well, I get that ;)

But what if you are lying, or it became abundantly clear that previously you had lied in a direct communique?
Now what do I believe?!

Does an untruth/distortion from the horses mouth (in order to convey a particular viewpoint) have any more merit than an untruth/distortion processed through a media outlet (in order to convey a particular viewpoint)?

Perhaps the media outlet has to take a little more care to avoid litigation even.
The horses mouth might be able to say whatever it wants - on behalf of itself.

I'm sure that the use of Social Media its a fascinating about turn in the world of politics - even if some of the early adopters often sound like petulant brats rather than statespersons - but I also suspect that 'trump' trumping off directly via Twitter is not exactly the the way, the truth and the light.

Multiple flavours of bullsh1t - direct and indirect?
(yeah i know .. there's a bigger picture behind it all ;) )
It just makes your job as the receiver of my message a little easier, knowing that the words have not been distorted in any way. Naturally you will still have some work to do regarding the veracity of my message and what it is I am saying Propaganda is an interesting topic!