Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
It's obvious that intelligent people are going to be a minority. That's a fact of nature.

I didn't ever claim to be unbiased though. It was quite famously said of me that I'm very clear which side of the street I'm on, and so no one need think that I'm going to be fair minded to areseholes who wish my people harm or steal their liberties.

The reason I challenge some of the corrosive bullshit here is twofold. Yes I can see WB fighting on his own with great intentions against the odds and it's therefore my natural instinct to stand beside him, but more importantly it's possible that some of the youngsters reading this will think again. I want them to see that they have wonderful opportunities to think for themselves and achieve fantastic things instead of listening to the desolate philosophy of despair and mediocrity which is prevalent in those who have believed the bullshit and taken their ranks in the army of quietly desperate people.

I'm speaking to them and if only one of them reconsiders the idea of keeping his mouth shut for the sake of not standing out from the herd, it'd be worth writing a book. So fine - try and motivate a crowd reaction. It's not a new idea and it often seems to work in the short term, but it usually leaves behind a few ideas after the stoning.

You continue to tell the kids to wear their own stupidity like a badge of honour and I'll continue to tell them the truth. You tell them to do what they're told according to some entrenched false dogma and I'll continue to tell them to claim their birthright, which belongs to them alone.
Don't bite those who struggle with intellectual free thought debate ,free always struggle and result to digs ,snide comments , for evidence read above posts .

Because one has a different view, it doesn't make them a sheep , far from it , just makes them interested individuals .

One of the faults of the Politcs board is it's lack of alternative views , however disagreeable or alternative it maybe to your view.

We are all god's children.