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Thread: Operation Yellowhammer

  1. #151

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by The Hooded Claw View Post
    Would that be the same EU that has a new trade deal with Japan? This is why Honda are closing Swindon and Nissan halve cut investment in Sunderland.
    Why make cars with uncertainty around tariffs when you can ship them in tariff-free from Japan.
    Watch Toyota follow suit with Nissan to pull out come the new Qashqai, which is already built in Spain as the Renault Kadjar.

    It absolutely beggars belief that Leavers are clinging on to their Brexitopia dream, when it was so obviously a sandcastle.
    Of course the EU will enter into trade deals with other countries, even with the UK post-Brexit, but the rules of the game are currently being changed by America and others.

  2. #152

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's a simple choice really. The globalist EU are aligned with Communist China, and as a free-trade nation we should allign ourselves with the USA & Japan, et al. The whole Brexit/Remain situation is about ideolgy.
    The opposite is true.The sizable minority in the Tory parliamentary party believe that as we are the first democracy we should be answerable to no one.Its an ideology that dates back to the Empire days where a few elitist ruled the many.Rees-Mogg and his cronies don't give a fig about the possible hardship a cliff edge Brexit would do.The other thing you don't realise is that on a trade basis we are relatively small potatoes especially when you consider the fact that California has the fifth largest economy in the world.As a stand alone trading nation we would have nothing like the clout that the EU block has despite what these elitist Tories would have you believe

  3. #153

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    I'd be much more concerned if a sitting government DIDN'T look into all possible scenarios (good, bad, or terrible) surrounding a possible Brexit. That's their job, isn't it? To NOT have prepared for any eventuality would be very irresponsible. The fact that they seem to have done so quite thoroughly is one of the few bits of good news to come out of the recent political bun-fight.

  4. #154

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Corbyn voted against joining the Common Market back in the 70s. He is not a Remainer, he is just trying to use the current political situation for his own benefit.
    Oh come on, so what? 40 years ago he voted against something and he couldn't possibly have changed his mind or recognised that the situation or question were different now?

  5. #155

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Oh come on, so what? 40 years ago he voted against something and he couldn't possibly have changed his mind or recognised that the situation or question were different now?
    Corbyn is an opportunist.

  6. #156

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Corbyn is an opportunist.
    I don't doubt that. We are talking about your methodology here, people do change their minds (some people even do it to pretend they were right all along).

  7. #157

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Sorry for any confusion, but I wasn't referring to the government in either of my posts. To clarify, I was referring to you suggesting the stockpiling of medication in the first post - which we know has been tarnished as 'Project Fear' by the pro-Brexit lot (of which you are one).

    The second post was responding to you asking why I thought that you were "interesting". Once again, it's because you're suggesting stockpiling medication is a reasonable measure to take despite everyone with something to say, who voted to leave, will shoot down any suggestion that stockpiling food or medication will be a reality.

    I'm not sure that you can have it both ways.
    Ah but you see I am not a Leaver

    I voted Remain last time.

    I would still probably vote Remain in any new referendum but I don't think we should have one.

    In such a major change such as this it is only right to take steps to ensure things go as well as possible.

    If that means stockpiling sensibly so be it.

  8. #158

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by sneggyblubird View Post
    The opposite is true.The sizable minority in the Tory parliamentary party believe that as we are the first democracy we should be answerable to no one.Its an ideology that dates back to the Empire days where a few elitist ruled the many.Rees-Mogg and his cronies don't give a fig about the possible hardship a cliff edge Brexit would do.The other thing you don't realise is that on a trade basis we are relatively small potatoes especially when you consider the fact that California has the fifth largest economy in the world.As a stand alone trading nation we would have nothing like the clout that the EU block has despite what these elitist Tories would have you believe
    You are assuming that the EU block remains intact post-Brexit, and that the Tories will be in power forever.

    The UK is strategically import to the US geopolitically. We have a seat on the security council, and are also their most important intelligence sharing ally. We are situated at the gateway to Europe, and nobody knows what the future holds. Britain may even start a new common market without a political union, or a European army

  9. #159

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's a simple choice really. The globalist EU are aligned with Communist China, and as a free-trade nation we should allign ourselves with the USA & Japan, et al. The whole Brexit/Remain situation is about ideolgy.
    China is the world's second-largest economy and the USA's biggest trading partner. What the **** are you talking about?

  10. #160

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    China is the world's second-largest economy and the USA's biggest trading partner. What the **** are you talking about?
    And they are also being brought to heal, while US businesses move back to America. New supply chains are also under consideration. Without a trade reset, China post 2050 is a threat to America and the rest of the world. What the **** are you talking about?

  11. #161

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by tforturton View Post
    I'd be much more concerned if a sitting government DIDN'T look into all possible scenarios (good, bad, or terrible) surrounding a possible Brexit. That's their job, isn't it? To NOT have prepared for any eventuality would be very irresponsible. The fact that they seem to have done so quite thoroughly is one of the few bits of good news to come out of the recent political bun-fight.

  12. #162

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You are assuming that the EU block remains intact post-Brexit, and that the Tories will be in power forever.

    The UK is strategically import to the US geopolitically. We have a seat on the security council, and are also their most important intelligence sharing ally. We are situated at the gateway to Europe, and nobody knows what the future holds. Britain may even start a new common market without a political union, or a European army
    You do know that the European army thing is complete bollocks don’t you?

  13. #163

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by rs3100 View Post
    You do know that the European army thing is complete bollocks don’t you?
    Is it?


  14. #164

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Yes it is.
    To have a European Army would require all member states to agree to it, and the UK would require a referendum on it. It is a moot argument.

  15. #165

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by rs3100 View Post
    Yes it is.
    To have a European Army would require all member states to agree to it, and the UK would require a referendum on it. It is a moot argument.
    What if the UK leave, and the EU pushes for a complete political union?

  16. #166

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    What if the UK leave, and the EU pushes for a complete political union?
    If we’ve left then it’s not an issue for us is it?

  17. #167

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by rs3100 View Post
    If we’ve left then it’s not an issue for us is it?
    The true direction of the EU was planned a long time ago. We just get to see the incremental steps, as and when they are revealed.

  18. #168

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Whether you are a remainder or a brexiteer, how scary, naive, unprofessional is it, to let an organisation like the EU, become so big and all consuming, that it becomes nigh on impossible for a member country to leave, with out the threat of all things bad. Why is there no get out clause? Why is there nothing in place for a member that wants out? It’s as if once you join, your tied in for ever.
    To me, that’s not healthy. It’s not right.

  19. #169
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    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Whether you are a remainder or a brexiteer, how scary, naive, unprofessional is it, to let an organisation like the EU, become so big and all consuming, that it becomes nigh on impossible for a member country to leave, with out the threat of all things bad. Why is there no get out clause? Why is there nothing in place for a member that wants out? It’s as if once you join, your tied in for ever.
    To me, that’s not healthy. It’s not right.
    't'aint right t'aint fair t'aint fit t'aint proper!' You tell them Jud.

  20. #170

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Whether you are a remainder or a brexiteer, how scary, naive, unprofessional is it, to let an organisation like the EU, become so big and all consuming, that it becomes nigh on impossible for a member country to leave, with out the threat of all things bad. Why is there no get out clause? Why is there nothing in place for a member that wants out? It’s as if once you join, your tied in for ever.
    To me, that’s not healthy. It’s not right.
    Autocratic rule always turns to sh*t because you can't get rid of the feckers by peaceful means. A quick glance through the history books will confirm that fact. Give me a sovereign parliament anyday, where the elected representative answer directly to the people.

  21. #171

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    't'aint right t'aint fair t'aint fit t'aint proper!' You tell them Jud.
    What kind of reply is that?

  22. #172

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    What kind of reply is that?
    Tedn't law. Tedn't right. Tedn't just. Tedn't sense. Tedn't friendly.

  23. #173

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Optimistic Nick View Post
    Tedn't law. Tedn't right. Tedn't just. Tedn't sense. Tedn't friendly.
    Drinking again ?

  24. #174

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    Drinking again ?
    I just like the quote.

    Although I do actually agree with the point you are making. The UK government has hardly covered itself in glory in its... strategy for Brexit but the zeal with which the EU has attacked the notion of leaving rather highlights one of the reasons people actually wanted out in the first place. If the EU institutions really did consider national governments to be sovereign they have been pretty negligent in constructing the EU as it stands today, where extraction is impossible to navigate and very little assistance given (in fact the opposite).

  25. #175

    Re: Operation Yellowhammer

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Autocratic rule always turns to sh*t because you can't get rid of the feckers by peaceful means. A quick glance through the history books will confirm that fact. Give me a sovereign parliament anyday, where the elected representative answer directly to the people.
    One of the main reasons we are in the position we find ourselves isbecause the elected representitives have completely let down the people, or more so those in working class areas. It's no surprise that the poorest areas predominantly voted out. I really don't like this notion that alot of people who voted leave did so because they are racist. Immigration was certainly a key factor but not because poor white people are racist. This situation has arisen because industrial commubities have been absolutely screwed by the politicians that were elected and the obliteration of their communities all of this is a consequence of the elite punishing the poor. The ironic thing is that people in the poorest areas of the UK where once there was thriving industry (all closed and sold in the name of progress) have intergrated with different cultures for centuries, they've had to. It's only when people become desperate and without hope that they blame the people who are most like them, albeit from a different country. The white working class aren't predominantly racist, just desperate.

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