Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
No. If I thought there was any chance whatsoever that you'd take any notice I'd take the time to explain it to you, but you wouldn't , would you?

I suggest you read 'Das Kapital" and "The Communist Manifesto", then compare the policies which they describe with those of the
" National Socialist Party" ,( the clues in the name), or Nazi Party.

You might also look up the Speech Hitler made in Switzerland in which he said, " For the avoidance of doubt , I am, always have been ,and always will be a socialist ".

I mean, I don't care that much really. There are unfortunately a LOT of people who have unalterable beliefs on this and other issues, and I know from past experience that you can't change their minds with facts or objective sources.

What we saw in the rise of the Nazis was unfettered socialism and yet the ideology was somehow redeemed in the public mind by rebranding them as somehow a bit like the Conservative Party or Nigel Farage.
Look, you won't listen so I am not going to waste my time explaining but here it is anyway. I have always been and will always be a sex god with a 10 inch cock. Just for the avoidance of doubt.

Come on, give me some things Hitler did whilst in power that made him a socialist. I'll start, just so you don't feel silly standing up in front of the class. I don't think he was a socialist due to the absolutely massive historically unparalleled program of privatisation that took place in part to fund the war but also because they simply didn't believe in state ownership of anything beyond the military (they would fit in well in parts of the conservative party 2019 in this respect).

What do you have for me?