Quote Originally Posted by 2b2bdoo View Post
Like who? Colwill and Davies didn’t break through under Harris either.
We had Bennett at left back who was better than Bagan (and no other manager has trusted him really either).

Not sure any can feel hard done by?
Colwill and Davies, along with Bagan, all probably feel much aggrieved to be fair.
Almost zero opportunities for any of them.
If W*nker comes back, none of them will be getting a chance any time soon either.

On one hand, the jury is still out on all of them anyway. On the other, there's the whole debate about how Colin treats youth in general.

We're not a club with tens of millions to spend. We may well need to utilize all three, and maybe others too.

No chance of that under Colin, he'll have his hands in Tan's wallet via Mehmet.