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Thread: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

  1. #1

    Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    This increase to six points on your licence is a waste of time , it should be treated as drink driving , instant minimum 12 month ban from the road

    Everyone is at it , young drivers , white van man , mother's and father's on the school run , they don't seem to care

  2. #2

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    This increase to six points on your licence is a waste of time , it should be treated as drink driving , instant minimum 12 month ban from the road

    Everyone is at it , young drivers , white van man , mother's and father's on the school run , they don't seem to care
    Bonkers innit? It's the 'professional' drivers that amaze me most. I regularly pass the DPD depot and every other one of them I pass is at it.

  3. #3

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    The designer "MUMS", in their 4x4's are the worst offenders !

    Ain't their husbands told 'um how to use bluetooth.

  4. #4

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    This increase to six points on your licence is a waste of time , it should be treated as drink driving , instant minimum 12 month ban from the road

    Everyone is at it , young drivers , white van man , mother's and father's on the school run , they don't seem to care
    They may as well have law that says shot at dawn if they're caught for all the good it'll do.With no police patrols any more your only likely to get caught if you cause a serious accident.

  5. #5

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Amount of people i see driving and staring mindlessly into their phone instead of the road is scary. Especially walking up a hill with a narrow pavement...its not even like they slow down to compensate the stupid behaviour.


  6. #6
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    This increase to six points on your licence is a waste of time , it should be treated as drink driving , instant minimum 12 month ban from the road

    Everyone is at it , young drivers , white van man , mother's and father's on the school run , they don't seem to care
    Like many, I have voice controlled hands free and do use it, that said, if it was put to a vote I would vote that all phone communication in a car be banned with a no excuse / no get out clause prison sentence mandatory for drivers caught doing it ( 2 weeks for first time offenders) ( 3 months for 2nd offence) and so on.

  7. #7

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    We need people to be taken off the roads

  8. #8

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by El Horno View Post
    Bonkers innit? It's the 'professional' drivers that amaze me most. I regularly pass the DPD depot and every other one of them I pass is at it.
    I always flash my lights at a mobile phone driver and give em the tosser sign because that's what they are

  9. #9

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by sneggyblubird View Post
    They may as well have law that says shot at dawn if they're caught for all the good it'll do.With no police patrols any more your only likely to get caught if you cause a serious accident.
    It's no deterrent at all

  10. #10

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    It's the narcissistic times we live in. The common Facebook users who suffer from FOMO, now a recognised condition. Fear of missing out. The JOMO's have my vote - the joy of missing out. Phone switched off and out of arms reach when driving!! I agree with Sludgerski on this one, should indeed be treated as drink driving. Fekin idiots!!!!

  11. #11

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Almost as bad - pedestrians playing with their phones while walking., bumping into people, walking into a road without looking -in front of a driver who is also on his mobile?

    Maybe this is Darwinism at its best.

  12. #12

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by bobh View Post
    Almost as bad - pedestrians playing with their phones while walking., bumping into people, walking into a road without looking -in front of a driver who is also on his mobile?m

    Maybe this is Darwinism at its best.
    Mother's pushing prams on the pavements , heads down gobbing off into their phones , bloody pain in the arse

  13. #13

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    I firmly believe that ‘smart’ phones are the worst thing to happen in recent times.

    Everywhere you go, brain dead mongs staring at tiny screens because they think something important is happening and they might miss out. My ultimate pet hate is thickos checking their phones every five minutes during a gig, football match etc. - just put your stupid little phone away and enjoy what you paid plenty of money to come and do. And don’t even get me started on people filming Antonio Valencia taking a throw in at Old Trafford.......

    I’m with Sludge, time to get tough with inconsiderate pricks that think it’s ok to check their phones while driving. Immediate ban is the only way to stop it. Either switch it off or if you really need to keep it on then pull over.

  14. #14

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    I firmly believe that ‘smart’ phones are the worst thing to happen in recent times.

    Everywhere you go, brain dead mongs staring at tiny screens because they think something important is happening and they might miss out. My ultimate pet hate is thickos checking their phones every five minutes during a gig, football match etc. - just put your stupid little phone away and enjoy what you paid plenty of money to come and do. And don’t even get me started on people filming Antonio Valencia taking a throw in at Old Trafford.......

    I’m with Sludge, time to get tough with inconsiderate pricks that think it’s ok to check their phones while driving. Immediate ban is the only way to stop it. Either switch it off or if you really need to keep it on then pull over.
    I check my phone walking to and from work as I don't stop all day(normally...except now to make this post :/ ) I watch Netflix most nights, so the only time I really catch up with my phone is the 20 mins each way to work or in I decide to be a lazy ****er and bath not shower...

    Not all of us are brain dead mongs. It's not hard to tilt your head up frequently.

    Probably wouldn't walk around on my phone if I lived in Cardiff mind as it's rammed full of people....that probably would be inconsiderate. Suppose it's a out being aware of your surroundings..

  15. #15

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    I firmly believe that ‘smart’ phones are the worst thing to happen in recent times.

    Everywhere you go, brain dead mongs staring at tiny screens because they think something important is happening and they might miss out. My ultimate pet hate is thickos checking their phones every five minutes during a gig, football match etc. - just put your stupid little phone away and enjoy what you paid plenty of money to come and do. And don’t even get me started on people filming Antonio Valencia taking a throw in at Old Trafford.......

    I’m with Sludge, time to get tough with inconsiderate pricks that think it’s ok to check their phones while driving. Immediate ban is the only way to stop it. Either switch it off or if you really need to keep it on then pull over.
    agree. FOMO's

  16. #16
    First Team light up the darkness's Avatar
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    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by Minion View Post
    agree. FOMO's
    until the police start pulling these drivers over and fining them and then taking their licenses away there is no deterrent

  17. #17

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by light up the darkness View Post
    until the police start pulling these drivers over and fining them and then taking their licenses away there is no deterrent
    In the absence of actual police on the streets I propose a new law where, if you see someone on their phones whilst driving, you are legally entitled to insert said phone into their back passage.

    Then again some people would probably enjoy that.

  18. #18

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    It's just another revenue raising stealth tax. If the authorities were serious about influencing future behaviour they'd elbow fines to suspend licences instead. Anyone caught behind the wheel while under suspension would receive a mandatory year's clink.

  19. #19

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Years ago I was in a sales job and had to ring the office from a callbox twice a day to pick up and leave messages. Then they brought in pagers, the slippery slope. Now it has to be instant contact, can't hid anywhere! No excuse for using whilst driving. Pull over or wait until the end of the journey, nothing is so important you cannot wait.

  20. #20

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It's just another revenue raising stealth tax. If the authorities were serious about influencing future behaviour they'd elbow fines to suspend licences instead. Anyone caught behind the wheel while under suspension would receive a mandatory year's clink.
    It is absolutely peanuts in the grand scheme of thing. In the first month when they began to crack down with the higher fines, they took in 1.2 million UK wide.

    But the impact on reducing phone usage at the wheel is huge.

    This has been spoken about here a lot in the past I think. Comparing it to eating at the wheel etc.

  21. #21

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    What would be be the greater deterrent for using mobiles whilst driving - would it be points and a fine, or an immediate ban?

  22. #22

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    What would be be the greater deterrent for using mobiles whilst driving - would it be points and a fine, or an immediate ban?
    Probably Lecter's punishment.

  23. #23

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    I think an automatic seizure of car and a six month driving ban

  24. #24

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I think an automatic seizure of car and a six month driving ban
    5 year ban. Car scrapped.

    They'll soon stop.

  25. #25

    Re: Mobile phone drivers need a good leathering

    Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
    5 year ban. Car scrapped.

    They'll soon stop.
    I would agree with that , it's as dangerous as drink driving

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