Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
This is mere speculation, it’s scaremongering and it’s not helpful in my opinion.

You have no evidence whatsoever to suggest that will be the case.
That is why I said "there is every chance". Just as there is "every chance" this goes away. There are lots of hopes being pinned on "herd immunity" and vaccines. However, there is no actual evidence that people will remain immune for any length of time. Similarly, there are no current vaccines for other corona viruses. That is not to say that these are impossible to develop, but they will take at least 18 months, and possibly even longer. Also, not one of the scientists has answered the question about how a vaccine would work against the various strains that are out there.

I am not saying we will be on complete lockdown for 5 years (the usual amount of time to get new vaccines and/or treatments on line) - I am saying do not be surprised if we are in a similar situation in November 2020, or in 2022, or 2024. This could very well be with us for a long time. The question will soon be "is it worth decimating businesses for this", but that decision has already been made by the actions being undertaken.