Quote Originally Posted by Vimto View Post
Do either of you know anyone who has participated in the Common Purpose Leadership programme?

I was on the program. About 15 years ago now. Happy to say so.

Didn't see any of the fantasies suggested in that blog.! Nothing remotely like it.

Now, Ive not had any dealings, let alone any kind of shady discourse with Common Purpose since not long after the course ended, and funnily enough, I don't expect to be activated as some kind of global elite sleeper leader.

Perhaps I didn't make the grade, and didn't get the nod.
Or perhaps, that blog, and it's notion is quite possibly the embarrassing paranoid horseshit that it appears to be

Now now you should know truthful real life experiences don’t matter as long as there’s a blog somewhere by a man who uses terms like climategate and new world order.