Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
We are being transitioned to a vastly reduced standard of living. It's not just surgery waiting times; if you have a pull clutching your chest then prepare to wait an hour before an ambulance turns up. Should you survive that then there's a four hour wait gasping on a trolley in a passageway to contend with.

Keep coughing for higher Council Tax payments in return for fewer services as far as the eye can see. How long before all libraries and sports centres disappear? Pretty soon it'll be a refuse collection once a month, and local authorities will advise you place a clothes peg on the end of your hooter should the stench prove too strong for your senses.

Thanks to the MSM and a plethora of Channel 5 progs aimed at demonising benefit claimants, they became the hate figures for people's ills. Now with the advent of Universal Credit, the lauded but low paid so-called hard workers are also feeling austerity pain and as a consequence turn their ire towards foreigners, mostly perceived goat feckers from Third World crap holes, who've been imported to fulfil that role. Meanwhile, the moneychangers, who pull all the strings, are laughing their tits off.
What a lovely warm picture you paint .
If you can’t get a doctors appointment for 33 days I suggest you move somewhere a little nicer where doctor appointments are a little more readily available .