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Thread: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

  1. #76

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    So are you saying the EU control our borders?
    there is no borders if your in the eu, anybody can come over here, thats the whole point. 450 million people are eligible to come over here as it stands, a disaster waiting to happen. the vast majority will head for france . britain or germany

  2. #77

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Immigration is a very emotive subject. If people object to it they are branded racist and this is why there has been a reluctance for politicians to discuss it on any meaningful level. But purely on the basis of statistics, if the country continues to accept people at the current level (amounting to a net figure larger than the size of the City of Cardiff) the government had better get on with building more hospitals, schools and especially housing because in 10 years time the population will have expanded by well over 3 million. Where are these people going to live, can they find jobs knowing how cyclical economies and the job market can be and how much will taxes have to rise to pay for these services?

    These are realistic issues that the IN Campaign and those who support mass migration have yet to address.
    a man who talks sense.

  3. #78

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    there is no borders if your in the eu, anybody can come over here, thats the whole point. 450 million people are eligible to come over here as it stands, a disaster waiting to happen. the vast majority will head for france . britain or germany
    We should kick you out, your English is absolutely appalling!

    450 million people are eligible to come here but 300,000 did and only half of that from within the eu.

  4. #79

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    We should kick you out, your English is absolutely appalling!

    450 million people are eligible to come here but 300,000 did and only half of that from within the eu.
    you wait till they are sat in your back garden, then you will change your tune.

  5. #80

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    I'm moving out of the U.K. next month and have lived in London for the past 6 years, being near foreigners doesn't bother me in the slightest.

    I keep hearing how desperate and unskilled these immigrants are but how they're also taking all the jobs. If someone with no references, who can't speak English and has no fixed abode can get a job before you how stupid must you be?

  6. #81

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    there is no borders if your in the eu, anybody can come over here, thats the whole point.
    Hmm, not sure that answered my question. Let's try again. Do the EU control our borders? Yes or no will suffice.

  7. #82

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    I'm moving out of the U.K. next month and have lived in London for the past 6 years, being near foreigners doesn't bother me in the slightest.

    I keep hearing how desperate and unskilled these immigrants are but how they're also taking all the jobs. If someone with no references, who can't speak English and has no fixed abode can get a job before you how stupid must you be?
    your moving out of the sinking ship are you i wonder why , dont talk out out of your rectum then

  8. #83

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Can the immigration haters explain how we are going to fund our ever growing elderly population without immigration?

  9. #84

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Hmm, not sure that answered my question. Let's try again. Do the EU control our borders? Yes or no will suffice.
    no. there is no control a passport will suffice , failing that getting in the back of a 40 foot container lorry heading for dover, portsmouth, southampton or any port should suffice .

  10. #85

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    you wait till they are sat in your back garden, then you will change your tune.
    Shit, how big's your garden?

  11. #86

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    Can the immigration haters explain how we are going to fund our ever growing elderly population without immigration?
    by posting a shit load of emojis on a mb of a team they hate?

  12. #87

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    no. there is no control a passport will suffice , failing that getting in the back of a 40 foot container lorry heading for dover, portsmouth, southampton or any port should suffice .
    So, the EU do not control our borders. Glad we agree.

    A passport will let someone into the country. It would be a bit of a problem if they didn't.

    A 40 ft lorry can contain illegal immigrants, that is true.

    So far you've come up with 3 comments that don't link up. Can you tell me how leaving the EU would stop illegal immigrants from trying to get into the country on a lorry and how our non-EU controlled borders would become non-EU controlled borders?

  13. #88

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    So, the EU do not control our borders. Glad we agree.

    A passport will let someone into the country. It would be a bit of a problem if they didn't.

    A 40 ft lorry can contain illegal immigrants, that is true.

    So far you've come up with 3 comments that don't link up. Can you tell me how leaving the EU would stop illegal immigrants from trying to get into the country on a lorry and how our non-EU controlled borders would become non-EU controlled borders?
    i think i have made enough points on been anti immigration as it is now without stricter controls without turning this into another ten pager

    everybody will have their own opinion across the country, but it is no coincidence as time goes on, that eventually more and more people will realise that if you keep letting people in without the necessary resources, the bubble will eventually burst.

  14. #89

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    i think i have made enough points on been anti immigration as it is now without stricter controls without turning this into another ten pager

    everybody will have their own opinion across the country, but it is no coincidence as time goes on, that eventually more and more people will realise that if you keep letting people in without the necessary resources, the bubble will eventually burst.
    Maybe for every immigrant we take in, we could ship out someone?

  15. #90

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    Maybe for every immigrant we take in, we could ship out someone?

    Do we get the chance to nominate those who will be thrown out?

  16. #91

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    i think i have made enough points on been anti immigration as it is now without stricter controls without turning this into another ten pager

    everybody will have their own opinion across the country, but it is no coincidence as time goes on, that eventually more and more people will realise that if you keep letting people in without the necessary resources, the bubble will eventually burst.
    The thing is you haven't actually made one point, all you've done is post superlative made up nonsense. You've not argued on counter point either merely posted a laughing smiley every time.

    There are arguments for less immigration yet you've not managed to make one sensible one.

    People like you actually show why immigration is a good thing, I have much more in common with a polish, French, Italian, Syrian etc. Who isn't a complete empty headed xenophobe like you.

    I'm not leaving a sinking ship I love the uk and will move back eventually, it's a great country and one thing that makes it great is how we've always been a caring country and how the the whole culture of the country has been shaped by other cultures throughout its whole history.

  17. #92
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by adz-a32 View Post
    But ppl of any ethnicity can do this tho, surely its more of a problem of the minimum wage enforcement than that of immigration
    It has nothing to do with ethnicity its to do with money. If someone is employing an illegal immigrant he can pay him less than the minimum wage and the illegal is not going to complain, because if he does he will get arrested and probably deported and the employer will deny he ever employed him.
    Therefore there is nothing for the auhorities to investigate. So the person who the emlloyer would otherwise need to employ to do the work is not employed and is entitled , quite rightly to job seekers allowance family support or whatever benefits fall due to him.
    If the employer paid less than the minimum wage to a legal worker that worker could complain, which is why he doesn't employ him.

  18. #93

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    That sounds more of an employment law problem rather than immigration. If these complaines are employing people cash in hand and paying lower than minimum wage that's the real problem. You can't blame the non British citizen for taking the job that they need, you have to blame whoever is offering the job.

    In 99% of jobs this would be impossible anyway, you can only get this in the few cash in hand jobs that are illegally available.

  19. #94

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Immigration is a very emotive subject. If people object to it they are branded racist and this is why there has been a reluctance for politicians to discuss it on any meaningful level. But purely on the basis of statistics, if the country continues to accept people at the current level (amounting to a net figure larger than the size of the City of Cardiff) the government had better get on with building more hospitals, schools and especially housing because in 10 years time the population will have expanded by well over 3 million. Where are these people going to live, can they find jobs knowing how cyclical economies and the job market can be and how much will taxes have to rise to pay for these services?

    These are realistic issues that the IN Campaign and those who support mass migration have yet to address.

    Pity the poor pensioners, that'll be the first thing that's cut off.

  20. #95

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Pensioners need economic migration more than most as otherwise our top heavy population won't be making enough through tax to pay pensions.

    Also pensioners will never be the first to be cut off as they vote.

  21. #96

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    Pensioners need economic migration more than most as otherwise our top heavy population won't be making enough through tax to pay pensions.

    Also pensioners will never be the first to be cut off as they vote.
    Melt them and Chris into glue.

    National health service freed up to look after healthy people

    Win Win .

  22. #97

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by rudy gestede View Post
    The thing is you haven't actually made one point, all you've done is post superlative made up nonsense. You've not argued on counter point either merely posted a laughing smiley every time.

    There are arguments for less immigration yet you've not managed to make one sensible one.
    This is my experience of debates with lots of people who are anti-immigration - start questioning things and they have no answers.

  23. #98

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy the Jock View Post
    Melt them and Chris into glue.
    That would be the thickest glue ever.

  24. #99

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    This is my experience of debates with lots of people who are anti-immigration - start questioning things and they have no answers.
    With respect the same applies to the pro immigration lobby. I am fairly neutral on the subject but would like to hear from the pro immigration people in the IN Campaign how the points I made in my earlier post can be answered. Whether IN or OUT of the EU immigration will rise so I would like to know from the IN Campaign about the plans they have for building houses, hospitals, training GPs and Doctors as well as other essential services to cope with an influx that will rise by at least 3 million within the next 10 years. As flaky as the OUT Campaign is I really think the same applies to those advocating REMAIN.

  25. #100

    Re: Well well well - who who have guess this - NET migration hits a record HIGH of 330.000 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    This is my experience of debates with lots of people who are anti-immigration - start questioning things and they have no answers.
    I'm sure there are reasons to want controlled immigration but too many people have been blindly lead into being completely anti immigration by the media. Immigration is a really good tool to cover up actual problems because of humans being naturally territorial.

    Chris is just a genuine simpleton though.

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