Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Pepper View Post
And this is where I get frustrated.
I'd like to see the swamp/sewer drained. Or at least cleaned.
I just don't think that 'they' backed the best Trojan Horse in Don.
He's already alienated himself from those around him that had the impetus and the ability, as well as his original aides who got him where he is.
He now looks like an increasingly renegade blustering buffoon, with something to hide.
maybe that's the game, maybe that's the truth.

I'm still leaning more towards the other theory - that Trump is a plant - a ploy - a stooge - whether he knows it or not, to divide American society and Establishment to the point that it is a weak porridge of malcontent and dysfunction.
Someone(s) would like that...
You could be right, and that is exactly why I am still sitting on the fence. Trump hasn't really played his hand yet, but we will know soon enough after he makes his first proper move. Everybody is just jockeying for position at the moment, but all the pieces are in position for one of the biggest political battles we are ever likely to witness. I think it's going to get ugly.