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Thread: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

  1. #26

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Labour lost power because of the worldwide financial crash and the shift of the party towards a north london talking shop

    It failed to connect with it's working class core who felt marginalised and got sucked in by anti european sentiment

    Once this crisis is over we will see what a stupid decision it was to leave europe and shift this country to the right

    Corbyns heart was in the right place but he was a very weak leader and had too much baggage
    You have to blame the party though. It was obvious Corbyn was never getting elected. He was an easy target. It played out exactly as everyone knew it would and no one did anything about it. They just handed Johnson and his cornies 5 years. It blows my mind thinking about it.

  2. #27

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    You have to blame the party though. It was obvious Corbyn was never getting elected. He was an easy target. It played out exactly as everyone knew it would and no one did anything about it. They just handed Johnson and his cornies 5 years. It blows my mind thinking about it.
    Without a doubt.
    Hopefully the likes of McDonnell and Abbott will soon be confined to the backbenches.

    Big mistake number 1 - electing the wrong Milliband brother.

    Then the disastrous Corbyn appointment.

  3. #28

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    The people have the government they deserve. People voted for a libertarian tory and are now begging for socialist policies to get us through a crisis.

    The NHS would have struggled in any sense but years of it being ran into the ground is coming home to roost.

    People are praising the 500,000 who have volunteered for the NHS and fair play to them but why do we have to have voluteers? There are billionaires in this country who don't pay their tax who could pay those 500,000 a good wage.

    How many of the half a million volunteers are millionaires or billionaires I wonder?
    The super rich are of absolutely no value at the best of times, during situations like this they have absolutely zero purpose. The people who are being begged to help across the political landscape are workers. If people can't understand that then things like this will happen again.

  4. #29

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    The craziest thing is only a month ago we were talking about "low skilled workers" only a month ago and it turns out these people are now some of the most important people in the country.

  5. #30

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Maybe I'm naive, but you'd think the government will surely back track on their disgusting "unskilled workers" policies when we're out the other side of this.

  6. #31

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Maybe I'm naive, but you'd think the government will surely back track on their disgusting "unskilled workers" policies when we're out the other side of this.
    100%, the government and the voting public will have forgotten all of this in 6 months.

  7. #32

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    You speak a lot of sense in your posts on this subject, but a question for you.
    If the minority hold the wealth in the UK, and the majority are the poorest, then how did Labour, ever lose control of power?
    Because Labour have pushed and implemented right Wing policy since the days of Blair, The damage was done, Working class areas have been let down for decades by the Labour party, industry and real jobs gone and not replaced, zero opportunity for people, shitty jobs in the gig economy and third generation out of work and naturalized towards a life on benefits, social poverty is the biggest problem, a huge swathe of people from proud communities demotivated, depressed and without much hope. Then the Brexit thing came along where the only people left to hold account for these peoples plight was foreign labour-Because the politicians and law makers sat back and did nothing.

    When people are desperate they do stupid things, when there's nobody else left to argue with or communicate with then bad decisions are made. That's what has happened in alot of our neglected communities, there was nothing left the kick apart from the neighbours dog. Labour have been instrumental in the destruction of these areas as well. I reckon that Corbyn would've backed these people and understood their problems. Sadly, because of a right wing media, celebrity politics and still an element of post colonial fallout it seems that people in this country can't get over the idea that we have to look after our most vulnerable and improve from the bottom up.

  8. #33

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    The craziest thing is only a month ago we were talking about "low skilled workers" only a month ago and it turns out these people are now some of the most important people in the country.
    The media and the right wing have always done this, the military being a great example. Most of the lads that join up are from poor or working class backgrounds with little opportunity, they're economic conscripts. Some of them would be considered scum by the Daily Mail if they were on Civvy st, yet become heros of the state when they're forced into taking a bullet for £250 per week. Sad thing is that plenty of people lap this up.

  9. #34

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    If only the government had listened to message board posters with years of expertise from tugging one out to Duffy off Casualty rather than their medical experts.

  10. #35

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    If only the government had listened to message board posters with years of expertise from tugging one out to Duffy off Casualty rather than their medical experts.
    Duffy will be under immense pressure and stress at the moment. Put your cock away and join the revolution

  11. #36

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    You speak a lot of sense in your posts on this subject, but a question for you.
    If the minority hold the wealth in the UK, and the majority are the poorest, then how did Labour, ever lose control of power?
    And ask yourself why the labour got the worst election result since the 1930’s

  12. #37

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    100%, the government and the voting public will have forgotten all of this in 6 months.
    I'm not so sure about that, let's see what things look like in two or three weeks.

  13. #38

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    If only the government had listened to message board posters with years of expertise from tugging one out to Duffy off Casualty rather than their medical experts.
    What did they react to that medical experts told them? The herd immunity thing that had to be dropped in a week becasue it would have killed 1000s?

  14. #39

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    This thread is reading like an article from ‘Socialist Worker’. Anyone who is not a communist is being pounced upon by the ‘comrades’. Luckily we will never have to find out what sort of mess Jeremy Corbyn and his cronies would have made of it all.

  15. #40

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    This thread is reading like an article from ‘Socialist Worker’. Anyone who is not a communist is being pounced upon by the ‘comrades’. Luckily we will never have to find out what sort of mess Jeremy Corbyn and his cronies would have made of it all.
    Would they have put the right shoes on the right feet

  16. #41

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    This thread is reading like an article from ‘Socialist Worker’. Anyone who is not a communist is being pounced upon by the ‘comrades’. Luckily we will never have to find out what sort of mess Jeremy Corbyn and his cronies would have made of it all.
    I think there's a good chance labour could have messed it up.

    I don't see how that is an argument against the fact that the current government have ****ed up their reaction to the virus, ****ed up the NHS by purposely under funding it for a decade or that the only sensible decisions that have been made are socialist in nature.

  17. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    I don't think this is a time for party politics, we can do all that when we have got through this and we are doing the mopping up.
    But I'll guarantee you that regardless of what they may be saying or might say publicly, there are several high profile politicians that are thanking their God that they didn't win an election.
    Crobyn May Blair Brown Hammond must all secretly be so relieved not to be in Boris's postiton.
    He, and his advisors and government are having to deal with a situation every day that is unlike anything ever seen in this country and with no historical refgerences to look back on for guidance.
    By its nature it is being played "On the hoof" and decisions have to be made that no PM, no government, any time in the history of this country have ever had to contemplate let alone action.
    It is much easier to stand on the side lines and barrack than to actually be ther having to make the decisions.
    I defy any of the so called pasrty leaders to say they want to be PM today. At least they wouldn't say it if there was the slightest chance it might happen.
    As for Scotland, where would it be now if it had got the independance some of its more vocal politicians demand every day. Their health service is in a worse state than in Wales and that is not good.

  18. #43

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    By its nature it is being played "On the hoof" and decisions have to be made that no PM, no government, any time in the history of this country have ever had to contemplate let alone action.
    What about the countries that were all infected before us? Why didn't we just look at and learn from them?

    Just because it is a time of crisis does not mean people are above criticism, the government have handled it and still are handling it slowly and incompetently.

    I don't really know what the point of your post is tbh, maybe you can simplify it for me?

  19. #44

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    This thread is reading like an article from ‘Socialist Worker’. Anyone who is not a communist is being pounced upon by the ‘comrades’. Luckily we will never have to find out what sort of mess Jeremy Corbyn and his cronies would have made of it all.
    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I don't think this is a time for party politics, we can do all that when we have got through this and we are doing the mopping up.
    But I'll guarantee you that regardless of what they may be saying or might say publicly, there are several high profile politicians that are thanking their God that they didn't win an election.
    Crobyn May Blair Brown Hammond must all secretly be so relieved not to be in Boris's postiton.
    He, and his advisors and government are having to deal with a situation every day that is unlike anything ever seen in this country and with no historical refgerences to look back on for guidance.
    By its nature it is being played "On the hoof" and decisions have to be made that no PM, no government, any time in the history of this country have ever had to contemplate let alone action.
    It is much easier to stand on the side lines and barrack than to actually be ther having to make the decisions.
    I defy any of the so called pasrty leaders to say they want to be PM today. At least they wouldn't say it if there was the slightest chance it might happen.
    As for Scotland, where would it be now if it had got the independance some of its more vocal politicians demand every day. Their health service is in a worse state than in Wales and that is not good.
    Oh look it’s the 2 dick heads of the apocalypse!

    It should surprise nobody that the 2 biggest dunces on this board are Tory voters.

  20. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    What about the countries that were all infected before us? Why didn't we just look at and learn from them?

    Just because it is a time of crisis does not mean people are above criticism, the government have handled it and still are handling it slowly and incompetently.

    I don't really know what the point of your post is tbh, maybe you can simplify it for me?
    no I won't bother, you're so clever you know everything already! Enjoy your superiority.

  21. #46

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    Would they have put the right shoes on the right feet
    Oh wait the 3rd is here, the man who puts a laughing smiley at the end of every post despite being only slightly funnier than a covid infection.

  22. #47

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    What did they react to that medical experts told them? The herd immunity thing that had to be dropped in a week becasue it would have killed 1000s?
    Situation changes on a daily basis as more is known about the virus.

    IC Ferguson's report today is illuminating...

  23. #48

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by tell it like it is View Post
    Situation changes on a daily basis as more is known about the virus.

    IC Ferguson's report today is illuminating...
    It's funny how the solution is what everyone was saying a month ago though.

  24. #49

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    It's funny how the solution is what everyone was saying a month ago though.
    Ferguson originally predicted 250k deaths.
    Ferguson stated government had got their timing on restrictions right.
    Ferguson has revised figures do to potentially less than 20k, mostly those who would be expected to die anyway.


    EDIT: Ferguson amazingly partly attributes the lockdown to the change - incredible that the lockdown has had such an effect in 2 days when lockdowns usually take 2 weeks to affect things. His main point appears to be that far more people have it than was predicted - which shows the virus is far less dangerous than expected.

    I guess you know better than him, CMO et al though.

  25. #50

    Re: Johnson is dithering and a danger to us all.

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    This thread is reading like an article from ‘Socialist Worker’. Anyone who is not a communist is being pounced upon by the ‘comrades’. Luckily we will never have to find out what sort of mess Jeremy Corbyn and his cronies would have made of it all.
    Why cos we'll all be dead?

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