Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
Well kids do get home cancer and die young so clearly god is not loving or omnipresent or all powerful as he allows this to happen

They say his son turned water into wine and fed the 5000 with loaves of bread and fish so surely his father can save young children , stop Hitler and Stalin etc ?
It's interesting to note that many nonbelievers on here associate the concept of 'God' with the Abrahamist one, which is perhaps understandable due to the statistics at this point in history. For my part, all gods have the same status.
It is also not without irony that Abrahamism is a wonderful example of schism upon schism and deep enmity between those endless schisms. It seems that the Abrahamism god not only has done nothing for 2,000 years but he can't keep his flock from fracturing and setting themselves against each other.