Quote Originally Posted by RonnieBird View Post
I think you're getting silly with the name calling there Jon, which is your only option I suppose.
As far as dissecting the various incarnations of socialism in order to cherry pick the less wicked and dishonest examples, good luck with that. Similarly with disowning the better known socialist atrocities.
I'm sure you believe this stuff, so I won't start calling you "disgraceful" or anything, but I'm afraid that most people these days just don't.
Incidentally, it's not disgraceful to disagree with anyone or any philosophy , it's just an alternative opinion. Of course socialism doesn't allow dissenting opinions as we know by virtue of the many people it has murdered for that .
Finally, it's just daft to say that socialists are anti racist when even the modern Labour Party has been caught out for anti semitism ....but that's where we came in
Come on Ronnie, give up gracefully. Anyone can see you're just a very average guy with a debilitating grievance and shit scared of Socialism. I'm afraid you don't really contribute anything material to any debate. Give in son, you've been skewered intellectually though I imagine you could be a brilliant bricklayer or plasterer so that's all to your credit.