Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
how does RTB affect the total number of homes available for the people living in the UK? As far as I can see the only difference is the ownership of the home and not the actual numbers of housing stock available in the UK. The requirement for social housing is the same pre and post RTB.
Let's say there are 10000 council homes in a town

5000 of those , in the nice streets are sold off

The council now only has a stock of 5000 homes to provide for those in housing need , once these are passed onto the council

If you don't replace council housing that is sold like for like with new social housing , then a housing crisis develops

It really is very simple to understand , the institute of housing , housing policy experts , shelter and many other groups warned this was going to happen

What council's have left following right to buy is fewer housing to offer those in need and that which is left is often poor quality as the right to buy has been higher on the nice estates and lower on the rougher ones

The right to buy has created sink estates with poor quality housing and social problems

The need for social housing following right to buy is fecking enormous , waiting lists are massive , at an all time high for many councils

That's why so many have been forced into the badly managed private sector and the housing benefit bill has risen