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Thread: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

  1. #76
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    So do you agree that every person present at every march held across the world was a 'spotty faced, filthy, vegan virgin'? I ask because that comment is what you are arguing with me about.

    Many different reasons to be there. The irony of closet trumpets is they drone on about 'the will of the people' but they appear to absolutely hate the thought of millions of people having their say.
    I don't recall seeing that said in this thread, was it removed?

  2. #77

    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    So do you agree that every person present at every march held across the world was a 'spotty faced, filthy, vegan virgin'? I ask because that comment is what you are arguing with me about.

    Many different reasons to be there. The irony of closet trumpets is they drone on about 'the will of the people' but they appear to absolutely hate the thought of millions of people having their say.
    I don't recall reading anything about that demography. Please indicate where I missed that.

    Secondly, what if some of them are spotty faced, filthy, vegan virgins. They have a right to be wrong as well as right. I'm a vegetarian and have been for over 30 years, I used to have acne as a teenager and I used to be a virgin. Never been one for being filthy though.

    Maybe that's why my opinion may count less than yours !!

  3. #78

    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird since 1948 View Post
    I can't remember there being any marches against the way the Islamic world and parts of christian Africa treat treat their women? Not to the same extent we have seen over the past few days where a bunch of spotty faced, filthy, vegan virgins have infested worldwide cities in protest against a president that in all cases outside of America will have no control over them. Where was this lefty rage against Obama who dropped three bombs an hour on the middle east just last year?

    If forced marriages, sex slavery, FGM, womens view not counting the same as mens, gender segregation, women not being allowed to drive or vote is worse than a man who said he grabbed women by the pussy in a juvenile private chat then the world isn't right anymore

  4. #79

    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by JDerrida View Post
    I don't recall reading anything about that demography. Please indicate where I missed that.

    Secondly, what if some of them are spotty faced, filthy, vegan virgins. They have a right to be wrong as well as right. I'm a vegetarian and have been for over 30 years, I used to have acne as a teenager and I used to be a virgin. Never been one for being filthy though.

    Maybe that's why my opinion may count less than yours !!
    It is irrelevant whether they are right or wrong (whatever that means in this case). His intention was clearly to belittle anyone marching, their opinion matters as does yours and Mrs R's but only if you start to bloody pay attention.

  5. #80

    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Are women allowed to choose what they are concerned about or do you need to tell them first?
    Women can do what they like, protest against what they like but it's my right to pull them up on their double standards. It's always intrigued me, the unholy alliance between feminists and the Islam loving left.

    The latest protests are about Trumps "muslim ban" which doesn't even exists, there is no Muslim ban yet hoards of the great unwashed filtered the streets of the UK this evening in protest. Truly comical when the likes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar have refused to take in refugees for years. Why do people give a shit now? Because it's "cool" and trendy to be seen at a Trump out march holding a home made placard with "love not hate" scrawled on it, it looks great on the luvvies instagram pages to be seen at such event.

    Obama was responsible for the deaths of hundreds and thousands of Muslim people with his drone strikes and the world turned a blind eye, the world didn't care, the world let him do it because he had a cheesy smile and his wife sang badly in a car with a gobby fat bloke from Essex.

  6. #81

    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird since 1948 View Post
    Women can do what they like, protest against what they like but it's my right to pull them up on their double standards. It's always intrigued me, the unholy alliance between feminists and the Islam loving left.

    The latest protests are about Trumps "muslim ban" which doesn't even exists, there is no Muslim ban yet hoards of the great unwashed filtered the streets of the UK this evening in protest. Truly comical when the likes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar have refused to take in refugees for years. Why do people give a shit now? Because it's "cool" and trendy to be seen at a Trump out march holding a home made placard with "love not hate" scrawled on it, it looks great on the luvvies instagram pages to be seen at such event.

    Obama was responsible for the deaths of hundreds and thousands of Muslim people with his drone strikes and the world turned a blind eye, the world didn't care, the world let him do it because he had a cheesy smile and his wife sang badly in a car with a gobby fat bloke from Essex.
    Well said !!

  7. #82
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    It is irrelevant whether they are right or wrong (whatever that means in this case). His intention was clearly to belittle anyone marching, their opinion matters as does yours and Mrs R's but only if you start to bloody pay attention.
    You didn't say anything to me for calling them bitches, I think you are ignoring my opinion because I'm a woman.

    No problem with 'Eradicate men' signs or anything else I mentioned? but you have a problem with him calling them spotty faced virgins even though some of them probably are? not much has made sense today, not sure why I'm expecting it to start now.

  8. #83

    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird since 1948 View Post
    Women can do what they like, protest against what they like but it's my right to pull them up on their double standards. It's always intrigued me, the unholy alliance between feminists and the Islam loving left.

    The latest protests are about Trumps "muslim ban" which doesn't even exists, there is no Muslim ban yet hoards of the great unwashed filtered the streets of the UK this evening in protest. Truly comical when the likes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar have refused to take in refugees for years. Why do people give a shit now? Because it's "cool" and trendy to be seen at a Trump out march holding a home made placard with "love not hate" scrawled on it, it looks great on the luvvies instagram pages to be seen at such event.

    Obama was responsible for the deaths of hundreds and thousands of Muslim people with his drone strikes and the world turned a blind eye, the world didn't care, the world let him do it because he had a cheesy smile and his wife sang badly in a car with a gobby fat bloke from Essex.

    It's funny because it's true.

  9. #84

    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird since 1948 View Post
    Women can do what they like, protest against what they like but it's my right to pull them up on their double standards. It's always intrigued me, the unholy alliance between feminists and the Islam loving left.

    The latest protests are about Trumps "muslim ban" which doesn't even exists, there is no Muslim ban yet hoards of the great unwashed filtered the streets of the UK this evening in protest. Truly comical when the likes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar have refused to take in refugees for years. Why do people give a shit now? Because it's "cool" and trendy to be seen at a Trump out march holding a home made placard with "love not hate" scrawled on it, it looks great on the luvvies instagram pages to be seen at such event.

    Obama was responsible for the deaths of hundreds and thousands of Muslim people with his drone strikes and the world turned a blind eye, the world didn't care, the world let him do it because he had a cheesy smile and his wife sang badly in a car with a gobby fat bloke from Essex.
    You've hit the nail on the head. The anti-war movement completely disappeared during the Obama presidency, despite US and UK involvement in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, plus meddling in Egypt, Ukraine, Turkey, Tunisia, Sudan, Pakistan and Somalia.

    The Occupy and BLM movements were born as further iterations of the "controlled opposition" and "divide-and-rule" strategies. Now we have feminists set against men, old against young, nationalists against globalists. It makes me laugh to see "nationalist" Leanne Wood marching for globalist aims.

  10. #85
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    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    You've hit the nail on the head. The anti-war movement completely disappeared during the Obama presidency, despite US and UK involvement in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, plus meddling in Egypt, Ukraine, Turkey, Tunisia, Sudan, Pakistan and Somalia.

    The Occupy and BLM movements were born as further iterations of the "controlled opposition" and "divide-and-rule" strategies. Now we have feminists set against men, old against young, nationalists against globalists. It makes me laugh to see "nationalist" Leanne Wood marching for globalist aims.
    Thank god there some on here that know what I'm on about, I have been talking about "controlled opposition" for a while now, it hit me a few years ago when Russell Brand was spouting his revolution stuff, it was like I was being led and it didn't feel right so I started looking in to controlled opposition, I had a bit of a shock when I realized that I could actually be helping them by being a bit of 'useful idiot' myself so I had to rethink everything I previously thought, that is not as easy to do as it sounds.

    I've posted plenty of vids on this topic before but have a look at Yuri's full talks, they will scare you

  11. #86

    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird since 1948 View Post
    Women can do what they like, protest against what they like but it's my right to pull them up on their double standards.
    By all means do that. I haven't criticised you for that.

  12. #87

    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    You didn't say anything to me for calling them bitches, I think you are ignoring my opinion because I'm a woman.

    No problem with 'Eradicate men' signs or anything else I mentioned? but you have a problem with him calling them spotty faced virgins even though some of them probably are? not much has made sense today, not sure why I'm expecting it to start now.
    I would definitely prefer if people didn't eradicate men. I read this forum so I notice things that I think are a bit shit and I say so. I don't scour photos of marches to see whether the placards piss me off so I am less likely to talk about it.

    What is your point? I can't discuss something that I think is bad unless I am equally vocal about everything else bad that goes on in the world?

  13. #88

    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Thank god there some on here that know what I'm on about, I have been talking about "controlled opposition" for a while now, it hit me a few years ago when Russell Brand was spouting his revolution stuff, it was like I was being led and it didn't feel right so I started looking in to controlled opposition, I had a bit of a shock when I realized that I could actually be helping them by being a bit of 'useful idiot' myself so I had to rethink everything I previously thought, that is not as easy to do as it sounds.

    I've posted plenty of vids on this topic before but have a look at Yuri's full talks, they will scare you
    Didn't Yuri Bezmenov "disappear", a bit like Russel Brand has?

  14. #89
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    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    I would definitely prefer if people didn't eradicate men. I read this forum so I notice things that I think are a bit shit and I say so. I don't scour photos of marches to see whether the placards piss me off so I am less likely to talk about it.

    What is your point? I can't discuss something that I think is bad unless I am equally vocal about everything else bad that goes on in the world?
    No I'm not saying that, I just meant that the point he was making was more important than what he called them, what he calls them is none of my business so I guess I just thought about the point, you can do whatever you like.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Didn't Yuri Bezmenov "disappear", a bit like Russel Brand has?
    He died in 1993 so they say.

  15. #90

    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    No I'm not saying that, I just meant that the point he was making was more important than what he called them, what he calls them is none of my business so I guess I just thought about the point, you can do whatever you like.

    He died in 1993 so they say.
    I mean before he died, and after he had "delivered" his message. How do we know that he wasn't still on the Soviet payroll?

  16. #91
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    Re: Nice to see the BBC reporting on marches again

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I mean before he died, and after he had "delivered" his message. How do we know that he wasn't still on the Soviet payroll?
    I have thought about that mind bender before I can't think of a purpose for that other than creating a resistance to what he's warning people about, but if that is not what is happening why warn them anyway? if they were paying him to say it that suggests they are still up to something doesn't it?

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