Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
It's The Last Refuge story in video form. Google your credible source if you want to see the company he and his missus keep and the accuracy of his previous predictions on right wing talk shows.
You see the bit I don't understand from all this is that if the FBI and particularly Comey was so hell-bent on a Clinton presidency then why did he reheat the e-mail server issue two weeks before the election. There is good analysis that this helped change the narrative of "pussygate" and swing the election in Trump's favour (see link).


Also the DoJ and FBI could have easily leaked the rumour that Trump associates were suspected of collusion with Russia before the election for similar effect. Yet this did not happen. I see that Nunes and his cohorts have not granted the FBI access to the memo presumably as they do not want facts or counter-argument to get in the way. I think the sooner it is released the better personally but can understand why a month of innuendo best suits the authors.