Any football fan in this country who thinks they are poorly off for coverage should try following a truly minoroty sport!

There are a ridiculous number of games live every week, highlights program, a whole channel devoted to 24/7 football news, Talksport radio is 90% football and our manager is on there more regularly than some of the presenters. Newspaper sports coverage is at least 75% football.
It is so saturated that presumably the next step is to have Gary Lineker ring you up at random times of the day and chant "football" at you until you relent and watch some more football.

In reality anyone watching BBC Wales news who might have been interested in how Cardiff had got on on the weekend had 1001 other ways to find out and so almost certainly already knew. Are you really saying that you want people who aren't into football to be forced to watch more of it?
Whatever other sports they had on there probably weren't covered anywhere else.