No, I wouldn't be shocked at stuff I've done and I'm not convinced that it's a matter of education which supresses humour. I'd say that it's more intolerance and dictatorial attitudes.
Of course I remember when every fancy dress party contained at least one Hitler and several people blacked up in one way or another, and I'm certain that none of the people who did that intended any insult to anyone.

I always find it strange that the generation who fought the war, including Jewish people , ( Mel Brooks for example) , used to dress up as Hitler and make jokes about Nazis but a load of wimpy kids who've never fought for anything or suffered any hardships are dreadfully offended by it all.

Much as I think Trudeau Jnr. is a first rate Twat , I don't suppose for a moment that he meant , or caused , any harm on that occasion, but of course he's got to tear his hair and apologise because it's one of the things he and his kind have designated as very wicked.

We live in very intolerant times, and since such periods historically never last very long, I wonder when people will refuse to be pushed around like this by politically twisted nut cases and virtue signallers.