Quote Originally Posted by Igovernor View Post
Sky Sports

Cardiff City FC


Cardiff City Want FIFA to clarify their exact meaning of the FIFA statement before they decide what to do next.

Good - I hope someone clarifies the statement.

Does it mean the full £15m is due to Nantes in 3 instalments, or just the first instalment? Most of the 'news stories' refer only to the initial £5.3m (6m Euros) but surely it must be all or nothing - not just a part payment. Either the transfer was complete or it wasn't?

In either case what was the FIFA judgement based on - and what is their response to the submissions made by both clubs?

Will the insurers (for whichever club is liable) be led by a FIFA committee judgement - or will it have to go back around the lawyers?

It is all ugly and disrespectful - but unavoidable I expect. As others have said, I hope whatever the outcome between Cardiff and Nantes, Sala's family and home townl club are looked after.