Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
How come no-one ever declares themself heterosexual accompanied with a fanfare of hugs and air kisses all round? It's only ever those who prefer backdoor deliveries who feel the need to publicly announce their sexual preferences.

And why is it always celebrities who do so? Wayne Whatshisname from Wolverhampton or Nigel Nobody from Nottingham never have an opportunity to tell the rest of us on TV of their nob-gobbling proclivity.
Non celebs do come out to family and friends though. heterosexual people don't come out because it's always been seen as the norm. Gay people come out because for some reason it's still seen as shocking to friends and family to just find out so it lets that person live openly without having to hide a huge part of their lives from those close to them.

And it's good celebs coming out because it normalises it for other gay people to come out and makes others less opposed to it.

Gay people still get assaulted by straight people for being gay fairly often, so the more it can be normalised and stop things like this happening the better.