View Full Version : Be careful what you wish for

Steve R
04-01-15, 17:24
Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10906042_596992273734035_5857217377838550728_n.jpg ?oh=ef40c38fd4cb18e2e0a8e3443ba11a2f&oe=55232737&__gda__=1429285099_1f3fd3e9427892e6e2a3a41a11fd355 6

04-01-15, 17:26
Another useless Korean. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/rolleyes.gif

04-01-15, 17:27
So we have a photo of a despotic megalomaniac who has no concept of the pain and suffering his actions are causing the people he is supposed to be leading.....and Kim Jong un

Taunton Blue Genie
04-01-15, 17:27
Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif and the other is Kim Jong Il.

Steve R
04-01-15, 17:29
*Insert generic HIGNFY gag here*

Taunton Blue Genie
04-01-15, 17:31
Tan: "Kim, how did you hear about the vacancy here at Cardiff City"
Kim: "It was advertised in the Koreas Office".

04-01-15, 17:34
Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif R 2 B. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/ayatollah.gif

Harry Flashman
04-01-15, 17:38
Those two washed my windscreen in Asda earlier.

I'm well sucked off now I know who they are.

04-01-15, 17:40
Those two washed my windscreen in Asda earlier.Did they have your wallet?

Harry Flashman
04-01-15, 17:43
Those two washed my windscreen in Asda earlier.
I'm well sucked off now I know who they are.No, one my bulb and the other the shaft.

04-01-15, 17:46
Those two washed my windscreen in Asda earlier.
I'm well sucked off now I know who they are.
Did they have your wallet?Hope they did not enter your boot http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/thumbup.gif

04-01-15, 19:31
Where was this taken then lads?

Cardiff Bread
04-01-15, 19:38
Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif I've seen this photo elsewhere. What's the conspiracy guys?

Lawley Kazoo
04-01-15, 21:15
Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10906042_596992273734035_5857217377838550728_n.jpg ?oh=ef40c38fd4cb18e2e0a8e3443ba11a2f&oe=55232737&__gda__=1429285099_1f3fd3e9427892e6e2a3a41a11fd355 6No conspiracy, just Tan and his mate Kim enjoying their favourite pastime, betting on poor people chasing chickens around a car park.

Mr Cholmondley-Warner
04-01-15, 21:34
Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif in fairness this probably is more grammatically correct than most of the posts on ****.

Lawley Kazoo
04-01-15, 21:40
fackin abbahan?


04-01-15, 22:25
Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10906042_596992273734035_5857217377838550728_n.jpg ?oh=ef40c38fd4cb18e2e0a8e3443ba11a2f&oe=55232737&__gda__=1429285099_1f3fd3e9427892e6e2a3a41a11fd355 6TBG in shock fallibility scare!

Taunton Blue Genie
04-01-15, 22:28
Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10906042_596992273734035_5857217377838550728_n.jpg ?oh=ef40c38fd4cb18e2e0a8e3443ba11a2f&oe=55232737&__gda__=1429285099_1f3fd3e9427892e6e2a3a41a11fd355 6
In this photo you can see two individuals. One is a heartless despot who cares nothing about his peopleI shall self-flagellate.

04-01-15, 22:36
I shall self-flagellate.Ooh blimey ..

04-01-15, 23:29
Kim: "You did what?? Feck me, I've tortured and imprisoned thousands but even I draw the line somewhere, fair play to you"