View Full Version : So It Was Three Years Ago Today

splott parker
26-02-15, 20:37
That Liverpool were involved in another penalty shoot out http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/cry.gif

26-02-15, 20:40
......Sergeant Pepper taught the band to play?

26-02-15, 20:42
Where have those three years gone. Seems like yesterday.

26-02-15, 20:44
That Liverpool were involved in another penalty shoot out http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/cry.gif Well they have lost this one. That day was a fantastic day out on the TIT, great game and good company http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/wave.gif

26-02-15, 20:45
Where have those three years gone. Seems like yesterday.Just let it be mun.

26-02-15, 20:47
Where have those three years gone. Seems like yesterday.
Just let it be mun.I do, fella.

26-02-15, 20:50
Where have those three years gone. Seems like yesterday.
Just let it be mun.
I do, fella.I do? Was that one from Ringo's solo album?

26-02-15, 20:51
That Liverpool were involved in another penalty shoot out http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/cry.gif
Well they have lost this one. That day was a fantastic day out on the TIT, great game and good company http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/wave.gif B 2 B. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/ayatollah.gif

26-02-15, 20:58
That Liverpool were involved in another penalty shoot out http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/cry.gif
Well they have lost this one. That day was a fantastic day out on the TIT, great game and good company http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/wave.gif
I think you need a bit of help here Kar, I know it's been a hard days night, but we gotta be all together now, ok. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif They've just discovered that Daehli appeared in a porn movie before he signed for us, it was called Norwegian Wood http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/getmycoat.gif

Steve R
26-02-15, 20:58
That Liverpool were involved in another penalty shoot out http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/cry.gif
Well they have lost this one. That day was a fantastic day out on the TIT, great game and good company http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/wave.gif
I think you need a bit of help here Kar, I know it's been a hard days night, but we gotta be all together now, ok. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif Please, please. Me thinks she needs help.

26-02-15, 20:58
That Liverpool were involved in another penalty shoot out http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/cry.gif
Well they have lost this one. That day was a fantastic day out on the TIT, great game and good company http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/wave.gif
I think you need a bit of help here Kar, I know it's been a hard days night, but we gotta be all together now, ok. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif Oh dear, it has been a bit of a bad week, I will take my coat http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/getmycoat.gif

26-02-15, 20:59
That Liverpool were involved in another penalty shoot out http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/cry.gif
Well they have lost this one. That day was a fantastic day out on the TIT, great game and good company http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/wave.gif
I think you need a bit of help here Kar, I know it's been a hard days night, but we gotta be all together now, ok. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif
If you don't get it from this, I feel for you. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif Don't feel bad, I don't think Croesy got it either!

Steve R
26-02-15, 21:00
That Liverpool were involved in another penalty shoot out http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/cry.gif
Well they have lost this one. That day was a fantastic day out on the TIT, great game and good company http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/wave.gif
I think you need a bit of help here Kar, I know it's been a hard days night, but we gotta be all together now, ok. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif
If you don't get it from this, I feel for you. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif Yesterday was ok.

Steve R
26-02-15, 21:10
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11025175_617956324970963_2721960150519318414_n.jpg ?oh=5071b42b4b0b93a868b14c3f3e70a5bb&oe=5592CAC5&__gda__=1430960253_5581a3e4a230fad23728e7f7e5aed4f 8

Colon Man
26-02-15, 22:02
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11025175_617956324970963_2721960150519318414_n.jpg ?oh=5071b42b4b0b93a868b14c3f3e70a5bb&oe=5592CAC5&__gda__=1430960253_5581a3e4a230fad23728e7f7e5aed4f 8 http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/ayatollah.gif

There's Only Juan Cala
26-02-15, 22:13
Where have those three years gone. Seems like yesterday.I'll be telling my grandchildren about this when I'm 64 http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/getmycoat.gif