View Full Version : Tory overall majority?

08-05-15, 05:00
Unbelievable. I truly am flabbergasted. With the honorable exception of Scotland it seems we have turned into a nation of little shopkeepers.

Ragnar Lothbrok
08-05-15, 05:02
Most of Wales showing what cowards they really are. Thank God the Tories will be in power again.

08-05-15, 06:05
The voting system really needs to change.

Labour get just unde a third of the vote, Tories just over a third - yet Labour are hammered, Tories get half the seats.
UKIP, love them or hate them, get 12% ( approx one eighth) of the vote, and get ONE MP.

Whatever your views, you have to see that the "first post the post" system does not give the country a government that represents the people's wishes.