View Full Version : Ex Tory Prime Minister Edward Heath

04-08-15, 12:36
So someone who was Prime Minister of our country within most of our lifetimes turns out to be a paedophile and likely a murderer of young children to boot, yet there seems to be very little press coverage/discussion given the gravity of the news.

What's going on!!??


04-08-15, 12:38

04-08-15, 12:39
Not like you to be lost for words...Not like you to be lost for words...

04-08-15, 12:41
Shouldn't we wait for the outcome of the investigation before making such claims

Steve R
04-08-15, 12:43
Shouldn't we wait for the outcome of the investigation before making such claimsIs that what was said all those years ago? There wasn't an 'outcome'.

04-08-15, 12:44
Shouldn't we wait for the outcome of the investigation before making such claimsNope, because he's dead and has no rights with respect to libel and what not. The fact he hung out on a yacht with Saville and now the police are asking for victims to come forward is enough for me.

The Penguin
04-08-15, 12:46
Like Savile and Smith before him, he cannot legally be defined as a paedophile so the OP is technically libelling a dead man.

The establishment has not stood up to be counted, instead, singling out men who cannot defend themselves. It's as sick and cowardly as the acts these men committed.

They should have been prosecuted whilst alive, but they all knew far far too much.


Mrs Steve R
04-08-15, 12:48
There needs to be another investigation in to the Haute de Gaurenne children's home.

04-08-15, 12:51
There needs to be another investigation in to the Haute de Gaurenne children's home.There will be... when all the 'alleged' perpetrators are dead.

04-08-15, 12:51
Did you almost just leap to the defence of a paedo and child murderer there? http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/sherlock.gif http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/sherlock.gif Did you almost just leap to the defence of a paedo and child murderer there? http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/sherlock.gif http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/sherlock.gif

04-08-15, 12:59
It was headline news on all the news programmes I saw yesterday.

Mario Miethig
04-08-15, 12:59
He's not only been labelled a Paedo, but also a lizard by David Icke 😂

04-08-15, 13:00
So someone who was Prime Minister of our country within most of our lifetimes turns out to be a paedophile and likely a murderer of young children to boot, yet there seems to be very little press coverage/discussion given the gravity of the news.Lead story on BBC TV news at lunchtime and on the front page of most Daily Papers too so I would say there's plenty of coverage.

Mrs Steve R
04-08-15, 13:01
There needs to be another investigation in to the Haute de Gaurenne children's home.
There will be... when all the 'alleged' perpetrators are dead.What do you think this is all going to lead to? if more and more comes out about them what do you think the public will do? http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/sherlock.gif

Mrs Steve R
04-08-15, 13:04
So someone who was Prime Minister of our country within most of our lifetimes turns out to be a paedophile and likely a murderer of young children to boot, yet there seems to be very little press coverage/discussion given the gravity of the news.
What's going on!!??To be fair the coverage is not really about him is it? it's about the people who shelved the investigation on him to start with?

04-08-15, 13:14
So someone who was Prime Minister of our country within most of our lifetimes turns out to be a paedophile and likely a murderer of young children to boot, yet there seems to be very little press coverage/discussion given the gravity of the news.
What's going on!!??
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9ABUEu4XlU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9ABUEu4XlU)Quite a full picture I thought.

04-08-15, 13:31
It's all staged managed with plenty of threats going on behind the scenes.

04-08-15, 13:40
I have no idea what Croesy originally posted, but I'm guessing it was along the lines that such crimes should not be used as a party political football.

They are of course unforgiveable and indefensible, as is any subsequent cover up.

My issue with this, is how the hell are they going to prove it after fifty years?

Mrs Steve R
04-08-15, 13:43
So someone who was Prime Minister of our country within most of our lifetimes turns out to be a paedophile and likely a murderer of young children to boot, yet there seems to be very little press coverage/discussion given the gravity of the news.
What's going on!!??
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9ABUEu4XlU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9ABUEu4XlU)
Lead story on BBC TV news at lunchtime and on the front page of most Daily Papers too so I would say there's plenty of coverage.Yeah, when I saw the news last night they were just talking about the investigation that never happened, I heard that someone has already come forward but I don't know if that's true yet.

A Quiet Monkfish
04-08-15, 13:44
So someone who was Prime Minister of our country within most of our lifetimes turns out to be a paedophile and likely a murderer of young children to boot, yet there seems to be very little press coverage/discussion given the gravity of the news.Didn't know about the paedophile element re. Tony Blair. Hmm...

04-08-15, 13:59
There needs to be another investigation in to the Haute de Gaurenne children's home.The Jersey police have announced they are investigating the home and Heath

04-08-15, 14:04
The million dollar question is where are today's elite pedophiles, the ones that we will hear about in 50 years time?

04-08-15, 14:05
Like Savile and Smith before him, he cannot legally be defined as a paedophile so the OP is technically libelling a dead man.You can't libel the dead

Mrs Steve R
04-08-15, 14:07
There needs to be another investigation in to the Haute de Gaurenne children's home.
The Jersey police have announced they are investigating the home and Heath Have they? That's good then, I read quite a bit about it a while back and there are quite a few things not right about it, the news stories went from human bones being found and shackles in the basement to animal bones found and some metal wire in the basement, all that changed after the investigating officer was taken off the case, something not right there.

Steve R
04-08-15, 14:09
Like Savile and Smith before him, he cannot legally be defined as a paedophile so the OP is technically libelling a dead man.
The establishment has not stood up to be counted, instead, singling out men who cannot defend themselves. It's as sick and cowardly as the acts these men committed.http://blogs.lawyers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/body-morgue-toe-tag-300.png

04-08-15, 14:11
There needs to be another investigation in to the Haute de Gaurenne children's home.
The Jersey police have announced they are investigating the home and Heath
Have they? That's good then, I read quite a bit about it a while back and there are quite a few things not right about it, the news stories went from human bones being found and shackles in the basement to animal bones found and some metal wire in the basement, all that changed after the investigating officer was taken off the case, something not right there.It's not included in the UK inquiry being done by that NZ woman, nor is that one in NI.

Barry Dragon
04-08-15, 14:14
So someone who was Prime Minister of our country within most of our lifetimes turns out to be a paedophile and likely a murderer of young children to boot, yet there seems to be very little press coverage/discussion given the gravity of the news.Its all over the news.

Mrs Steve R
04-08-15, 14:25
There needs to be another investigation in to the Haute de Gaurenne children's home.
The Jersey police have announced they are investigating the home and Heath
Have they? That's good then, I read quite a bit about it a while back and there are quite a few things not right about it, the news stories went from human bones being found and shackles in the basement to animal bones found and some metal wire in the basement, all that changed after the investigating officer was taken off the case, something not right there.
It's not included in the UK inquiry being done by that NZ woman, nor is that one in NI.Huh?

04-08-15, 14:45
There needs to be another investigation in to the Haute de Gaurenne children's home.
The Jersey police have announced they are investigating the home and Heath
Have they? That's good then, I read quite a bit about it a while back and there are quite a few things not right about it, the news stories went from human bones being found and shackles in the basement to animal bones found and some metal wire in the basement, all that changed after the investigating officer was taken off the case, something not right there.
It's not included in the UK inquiry being done by that NZ woman, nor is that one in NI.
Huh?There terms of reference are controlled, as will be the outcome.

04-08-15, 15:45
Met Police also involved in investigating Heath for several months apparently.

The woman in Wiltshire who accused Heath back in the 1990's was a " Brothel keeper " who
supplied male and female under age prostitutes as well as older ones.

A few years later she was convicted of brothel keeping.

This has arisen because a copper involved in the first case remembers the case being dropped.

He later rose to the rank of Inspector and is now retired but must have pangs of conscience
about what happened.

A bit like an episode of " New Tricks " on the whole.

The Penguin
04-08-15, 16:13
Like Savile and Smith before him, he cannot legally be defined as a paedophile so the OP is technically libelling a dead man.
The establishment has not stood up to be counted, instead, singling out men who cannot defend themselves. It's as sick and cowardly as the acts these men committed.I reckon if Savile had been prosecuted we would have needed a new political system because they would all be in prison. That's why he wasn't of course, much easier to call him a pervert when he can't try to defend himself.

04-08-15, 16:43
So someone who was Prime Minister of our country within most of our lifetimes turns out to be a paedophile and likely a murderer of young children to boot, yet there seems to be very little press coverage/discussion given the gravity of the news.
What's going on!!??Story broke yesterday, was about third down the list of headlines on the BBC news homepage at the time I posted.

Mrs Steve R
04-08-15, 16:45
There needs to be another investigation in to the Haute de Gaurenne children's home.
The Jersey police have announced they are investigating the home and Heath
Have they? That's good then, I read quite a bit about it a while back and there are quite a few things not right about it, the news stories went from human bones being found and shackles in the basement to animal bones found and some metal wire in the basement, all that changed after the investigating officer was taken off the case, something not right there.
It's not included in the UK inquiry being done by that NZ woman, nor is that one in NI.
There terms of reference are controlled, as will be the outcome.Everything is controlled, even the conspiracy theorists.

04-08-15, 16:55
I have no idea what Croesy originally posted, but I'm guessing it was along the lines that such crimes should not be used as a party political football.The Tories, along with senior police, the press etc., were totally complicit in the covering up of this, so yes I think it can be used as a political football, if nothing else it shows at the highest of highest levels of that party, well they are worthy of and will be remembered with nothing but contempt. Looking at you Thatcher, immoral cuntwitch.

04-08-15, 17:13
Considering the news are so happy to speculate about what Cilla Black died from , amongst other subjects, it seems odd that there is so little coverage and speculation here, a good odd but certainly odd.

Allegations were made in the 90's and this is the first we're hearing about it - what the hell?

04-08-15, 17:37
There needs to be another investigation in to the Haute de Gaurenne children's home.
The Jersey police have announced they are investigating the home and Heath
Have they? That's good then, I read quite a bit about it a while back and there are quite a few things not right about it, the news stories went from human bones being found and shackles in the basement to animal bones found and some metal wire in the basement, all that changed after the investigating officer was taken off the case, something not right there.
It's not included in the UK inquiry being done by that NZ woman, nor is that one in NI.
There terms of reference are controlled, as will be the outcome.
Everything is controlled, even the conspiracy theorists.Thank you for your controlled response http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/thumbup.gif

Mrs Steve R
04-08-15, 17:42
There needs to be another investigation in to the Haute de Gaurenne children's home.
The Jersey police have announced they are investigating the home and Heath
Have they? That's good then, I read quite a bit about it a while back and there are quite a few things not right about it, the news stories went from human bones being found and shackles in the basement to animal bones found and some metal wire in the basement, all that changed after the investigating officer was taken off the case, something not right there.
It's not included in the UK inquiry being done by that NZ woman, nor is that one in NI.
There terms of reference are controlled, as will be the outcome.
Everything is controlled, even the conspiracy theorists.
Thank you for your controlled response http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/thumbup.gif I'm not one anymore, not in the same way I was anyway. http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif