Aberbeeg blues
12-01-16, 14:19
Dear Sirs,

This is a genuine open letter from a life long supporter of the great Club CCFC.

I watched my first game Vs Fulham in 1978 and have been to 115 grounds in total following City over the years. This includes home and abroad.

I feel compelled to write to you to explain the pain i feel for the current situation i feel the Club are in.I think that we are now paying the price for having nobody at the Club without any football knowledge from the top down.We currently resemble a rudderless ship heading for the rocks and without anyone to steer us clear of danger.

Truth be told everyone including himself knows Russell Slade isnt the right man to take us forward and unless drastic action is taken shortly then the rest of the season will continue along the same lines as the rest of his time in charge - MEDIOCRITY!!

On Sunday we had the shocking embarrassment of seeing what kind of players RS has brought to our Club. League one or League 2 standard at best.Come on lets all be realistic here,we are heading no where at the moment.

The missing fans like myself who turned away under the rebrand (i have attented 4 games since we went back to blue)wont return until we can see we are not being made fools off.

RS is Mr Tans choice nobody else wants him here.He maybe a nice guy but he is out of his depth and it makes for a sad state of affairs.
Once the fans arnt behind a manager 100% it usually only ends one way.

I think the Club has some very hard decisions to make in a very short amount of time.

*What are the Clubs ambitions?
*Why have we not heard from anyone including Mr Tan for such a long time?
*who is actually making the decisions?
*where is the Club heading?
*are the club happy with everything at the moment?

I hope you take on board some of the points i have raised and hopefully in time we can see or hear your action plan going forward. Until then im afraid things will get worse before they get better.

Yours Faithhfully
A Jones
(Former Season Ticket Holder of 31 years)

12-01-16, 19:28
Dear Sirs,Tan won't take any notice of your letter when he sees that.

Dave Blue
12-01-16, 19:36
It would have more weight if you attended regularly.

12-01-16, 23:28
Let's be honest, it wouldn't make one iota of difference either way, Tan would ignore it if he still went.

13-01-16, 04:24
"for having nobody at the Club without any football knowledge from the top down"

So nobody at the club is without football knowledge? This implies everyone at the club has football knowledge.

Maybe say "seems few people at the club have an indepth knowledge of football matters"

But I get what you are saying. I am sure the club will ignore your letter, sadly.

13-01-16, 07:02
I think everyone needs to stop going, that's the only way the board will notice.

Arfur Europe
13-01-16, 07:18
It would have more weight if you attended regularly.#justsaying

Aberbeeg blues
13-01-16, 11:08
The fact that i have tried to return my support in come capacity since the return to blue shows im very willing. But it also shows that under Slade the fans are still having the piss taken out of them cos he is Tans yes man and glove puppet!!
Hence why i decided to write that letter...if the Club have lost fans like myself then there are very serious issues that somehow need to be addressed but sadly i suspect the status quo will continue and the club eventually dies on its knees.

Oh and thats without mentioning the circus on the pitch!!

13-01-16, 11:52
The fact that i have tried to return my support in come capacity since the return to blue shows im very willing. But it also shows that under Slade the fans are still having the piss taken out of them cos he is Tans yes man and glove puppet!!We do have our fair share of clowns tbf

13-01-16, 13:23
Where is Mr. Steve Cardiff City Borley nowadays have I missed it and he,s sneaked out of the back door?

purple haze2
13-01-16, 15:38
What a bunch of drama queens http://www.ccmb.co.uk/images/smiley_icons/hehe.gif

An unlikely win tonight would put us 5 points behind 4th place with 20 games left and 60 points to play for.

Sure the football isn't great, but we've not been struggling near the bottom of the table under Slade - that's the impression given by our wonderful and supportive fans !!

Maybe if we got behind our manager and players then their performances could possibly improve.

When every move the players and manager make is looked at in an hysterically critical way by our own fans, then who needs opposition fans. We do their job for them !!

A Quiet Monkfish
13-01-16, 16:48
..so you write to the club telling them the manager is useless, the players are rubbish, no-one at the club knows anything about football, the team is an embarrassment, you stopped supporting the club when they changed to red [ but only went to another 4 games when they reverted to blue]. Oh, and litter your letter with poor punctuation.

Yep, it will no doubt be discussed at the next Board Meeting..