View Full Version : Scariest movie you saw as a kid..

Blue in the Face
12-09-16, 18:15
What's the scariest film you saw when you were too young to watch it?

12-09-16, 18:17
Friday the 13th . I was 12 I think

12-09-16, 18:20
It wasn't a cinema film, but a BBC thing.
I think they used to do a "ghost story for Christmas" every year.

The one in question was "The Stone Tape".

Saw it recently - it was tame as hell.

Then of course, there was Psycho

The Alien
12-09-16, 18:20
The Exorcist. At the time I was 10 or 11 and me and a bunch of mates nicked into the cinema to watch it.
It frightened the fook out of me. I remember having nightmares for a while after that.

Colonel Cærdiffi
12-09-16, 18:20
I don't know how old I was when I watched Poltergeist but the scene where the girl moves away from the mirror and her reflection is still looking at her stuck with me for quite some time.

12-09-16, 18:29
I turned "IT" off after about 20 mins.
Friday the 13th used to scare the fack out of me.

On another note, my mother used to be a right cnut aye when we used to watch a movie with a sex scene in. She used to make me look away. And now I wonder why I can't make my missus make the same sounds as the women on the tele cos I don't know what to do

12-09-16, 18:33
Lots of the Hammer Dracula films starring Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee as Dracula.
They used to be late on a Friday night and my parents would let my siblings and i stay up to watch them.
One was called "Dracula has risen from the grave" but there were a few made over a period of a few years later sixties early seventies.
They were scary as hell and I didn't really want to watch all the way through but had to just to save face.

You'd also get to see a bit of tit too!

Watched one quite recently and was more like a comedy.

12-09-16, 18:34

Didn't sleep for two weeks.

There was a zombie dog eating someone or something, I can't find the scene on youtube. I shart myself then turned off.

Diabolical film. I re watched it recently. Utter crap.

Special mention goes to watching the old texas chainsaw massacre alone a few years ago. And our power went off.

12-09-16, 18:42
I wasn't too young to see it, but I jumped when I saw the end of "Carrie" for the first time (as did the rest of the cinema)

12-09-16, 18:44

12-09-16, 18:46
Animal Farm. The x rated version.

12-09-16, 18:47
Not a film but Tales of the Unexpected theme music used to shit me up

12-09-16, 18:57

I was about 6 or 7 and this f**ing thing frightened the be-jesus out of me.


12-09-16, 19:03

12-09-16, 19:06
Not a film but by the scariest was on goosebumps.



The horror.

12-09-16, 19:23
Count Yorga Vampire. I was only about 8 and we were visiting Grandma in Nantymoel. My dad thought it was a good idea to take us to the cinema to see two x rated films with my sister. The other film was Cry of the Banshee. I have absolutely no idea how we were let in and why dad thought it was such a good idea to terrify his very young son.

12-09-16, 19:33
I remember being in Junior school and we used to have films in the hall near the end of term, This public information film put the shits up me for a while.
Apaches - all about the dangers on a farm

Penybont Blue
12-09-16, 19:37
The Brood.
My mates older brother put it on i didn't sleep for a week

12-09-16, 19:38
The Devil Rides out....at to put every light on to go to bed.

Mrs Steve R
12-09-16, 19:41
I have 2, the Jaws one I've mentioned before and this one, I watched it on the portable in my bedroom when I should have been asleep, I think I was about 10, it's well creepy, I have had a bit of a phobia ever since, hence why I get on with the Tall-Midget :hehe:


12-09-16, 19:43
My dad got me in to see Jaws in the old Capitol cinema when i was 7....
He originally tried to get me in for Enter the Dragon but the guy behind the counter wouldn't let me in for that, I can still remember him arguing that it should be ok as it was only a bit of Kung-Fu.So we saw Jaws instead.
Shit myself at the head falling out of the boat and was still scared on the way home. with my dad saying 'please don't tell your mum,please.'

12-09-16, 19:44
Bambi, especially the scene when Bambi and Thumper were on the ice

12-09-16, 19:44
jason and the argonauts, when the giant bronze warrior moved

12-09-16, 19:48
Nightmare on Elm Street.

12-09-16, 19:49
jason and the argonauts, when the giant bronze warrior moved

I used to love that film when I was a little lad.

12-09-16, 20:06
The Exorcist. At the time I was 10 or 11 and me and a bunch of mates nicked into the cinema to watch it.
It frightened the fook out of me. I remember having nightmares for a while after that.

Yes the Exocist for me too.

12-09-16, 20:14
The Devil Rides Out BBC2 horror nights in the summer in the 70s at 11pm - my kids laughed at it recently

The other one was

Night of the Demon aka Curse of the Demon 1957

When the devil comes for him at the end as the train changes......bloomin heck scary

12-09-16, 20:18
The Devil Rides Out BBC2 horror nights in the summer in the 70s at 11pm - my kids laughed at it recently

The other one was

Night of the Demon aka Curse of the Demon 1957

When the devil comes for him at the end as the train changes......bloomin heck scary

Used to love those horror double bills on a Saturday night.
I remember Creature from the Black Lagoon creeping me out.

12-09-16, 21:15
I still haven't been a lie to watch the exorcist and I'm 53. i must've been about ten when it first came out and the papers were going on about people fainting in the cinemas, so I bought the book. Read a few pages then crossed the dual carriageway and buried it in the field on the other side, I kid you not.

"Magic" freaked me out big time as a kid, still won't watch that either!

12-09-16, 21:41
The Devil Rides out....at to put every light on to go to bed.

It's on Sky movies ch 320 now

12-09-16, 22:26
poltergeist 3 with all the mirrors. Was afraid to look in the mirror after that.

Gofer Blue
12-09-16, 22:30
Not the movie but the original old black & white Quatermass and the Pit on BBC TV - about 1958. I would have been about 10 years old at the time. Very scary - still have vivid recollection of the deranged workman running out of the excavations down the road to the church! Will have to sleep with the light on tonight now.

12-09-16, 22:38
Halloween couldn't get him out of my head for a few days had to sleep with the light on for a couple of weeks. Birds was another one that freaked me out

12-09-16, 22:47
Halloween couldn't get him out of my head for a few days had to sleep with the light on for a couple of weeks. Birds was another one that freaked me out

Yes! Forgot about Hitchcock's The Birds.
Well scary!

Former Labour leader
12-09-16, 23:14
Not the movie but the original old black & white Quatermass and the Pit on BBC TV - about 1958. I would have been about 10 years old at the time. Very scary - still have vivid recollection of the deranged workman running out of the excavations down the road to the church! Will have to sleep with the light on tonight now.

Much the same age. Hid behind the sofa. Had nightmares for years after. Horrible horrible scary play.

Gofer Blue
13-09-16, 06:55
Much the same age. Hid behind the sofa. Had nightmares for years after. Horrible horrible scary play.

Wonder if it would seem as scary if we were to watch it again now? Maybe.

Its been emotional
13-09-16, 07:16
Omen II

the other bob wilson
13-09-16, 07:54

End of debate.

I must have been about twelve and my father was working nights at the time, but I didn't see the relevance of this to my mum's decision to let me stay up to watch the late night film one Friday as a "reward for being such a good boy". My mum later confirmed what I had known already for years, my "reward" was for no other reason than her not wanting to watch Psycho by herself - it's no wonder I turned out like I did :hehe:.

Another film which really scared me was Night of the Demon. It's not aged that well, but I still get my DVD of it out every now and again to give it a watch - I've only ever watched Psycho once since my "reward" though.