View Full Version : "we could still singe the King of Spain’s beard”.

the other bob wilson
03-04-17, 06:30




03-04-17, 07:59
I bet opinions are divided over this vintage style sabre rattling.
Probably around 52% to 48% .

03-04-17, 08:40
I just watched the Evening Standard video link. The headline said "Former Tory leader Michael Howard suggests Theresa May 'would go to war' to defend Gilbraltar"

In the video the words or phrase 'go to war' was never mentioned by him. He may have said it somewhere else in the video but that wasnt in the clip they are showing.

I get the idea this sort of stuff will continue for the next couple of years. Politician says something, it gets misquoted, then some other politician comments on it and the newspaper prints the response.

The video doesn't work on that page for me, but I assume it's the Channel 4 here (https://twitter.com/sunapology/status/848640427683184641):

Q - The logical end of what you're saying is "We should go to war with Spain if necessary"

A - No, what I'm saying is the current PM should, and I'm sure will, show the same resolve in looking after the interests of Gibraltar as Margaret Thatcher did looking after the interests of the Falkland Islands.

It's very clear what he means in that interview. If he didn't say those precise words then they shouldn't be in quotations in the headline - that's true (though they also spell Gibraltar wrongly) - but that's not the issue here.

03-04-17, 10:06
The link you gave https://twitter.com/sunapology/status/848640427683184641):
no longer exists.

To me - either he says "we would go to war" or he doesn't say it - he cant say both. What he does say is he thinks the current would PM would show the same 'great resolve' as the former PM. Define 'great resolve'.

I hate to be a pedant - and I know it's wishful thinking - but if they could put in the headline exactly what he said - then it might help a little. As per every politician who wants to get 5 mins of TV time is now giving their interpretation of his words in order to suit their politics.

For the record I think the 'Gibraltarians' have been there over 300 years, longer than 'Americans' have been in Native America. It's all a load of bollocks anyway unless Spain should give Ceuta back to Morocco. Ceuta was taken over by Franco I think so guessing around the 1930's.

I also think Sully Island should be returned to the Sullivans who were the original inhabitants back in the 1800's :hehe:

It's still there, just the close bracket attached to it:


He says 'same resolve', and as he specifically refers to the Falklands conflict he can only mean war. Skirt around it if you wish, but this is clearly what he's talking about.

03-04-17, 10:39
With the way Cameron and his pals have cocked up funding and procurement for the armed forces plus personnel
cuts we couldn't singe the eyebrows of the Queen of Spain. Unless May went nuclear of course.:wave:

03-04-17, 11:08
He says 'no' and then says it could be like that time when we went to war and that he wants to remind the EU 'what sort of people we are'. It's clear what he is insinuating, the British are the sort of people who will use military might to hold on to their territory.

03-04-17, 11:21
And see Gareth Bale locked up as a POW?????

03-04-17, 11:52
Sarah Palin (remember her) was quoted that she could see Russia from her house in Alaska (more of that in a minute), lets presume Russia invaded Alsaka, as they wanted their old territory that they sold to the USA way back about 150 years or so ago etc.

If there Russia had invaded Alaska - what do you the USA would do ?

Here is Howard being interviwed Andrew Neil on bbc daily politics (he still never says the word 'war' as you quoted, or even 'go to war')

I haven't quoted him as saying the word 'war' (I was paraphrasing because he was referring very directly to a war) and I don't think Spain are going to invade Gibraltar so no point addressing this.

What do you think he meant by banging on about the Falklands repeatedly, if not war? I'm interested to how you've interpreted his words. Or maybe he wasn't talking about the Falklands because he didn't directly say the name.... :hehe:

03-04-17, 13:24
Of course he didn't say it directly, he's a politician. He reminds me of that other guy who argued with Paxman, the "did you threaten to overrule" argument, his identity escapes me for the moment.

In this case, he was asked a question and our conversation is about what he actually said because we have seen the video. Nothing at all like the Sarah Palin thing. It's crystal clear what he was talking about.

03-04-17, 14:07
Footage emerges of the Admiral who made the above comment"we could still singe the King of Spain’s beard”.

03-04-17, 15:07
And see Gareth Bale locked up as a POW?????

Interned as an " enemy alien " would be more correct unless Bale joins the Army in the meantime.

Just think of all the Costa Crooks who would end up behind the wire too.

life on mars
03-04-17, 19:32
Let's stop chattering on and do em

Organ Morgan.
03-04-17, 20:15
Let's drop a miniaturised nuke on Benidorm. Spain would immediately surrender with the added bonus of culling loads of British chavs.

life on mars
04-04-17, 00:06
Let's drop a miniaturised nuke on Benidorm. Spain would immediately surrender with the added bonus of culling loads of British chavs.

Would we notice the damage ?

One positive outcome though, we wouldn't have to watch those dreadful teaser adverts ,advising us the latest series of Benidorm was due .

the other bob wilson
04-04-17, 05:30
Here is a very light hearted discussion about why Britain has never lost a war - for any left wing easily offended liberal types - Im sure someone apologises for any offence caused to you or your pet cat etc


Ah, I see. Michael Howard's moving into stand up comedy now is he? He's no Al Murray mind based on his offering on Sunday.

life on mars
04-04-17, 14:02
I took the week of work to watch the invasion of Spain live on CNN , bugger all has happened ,whats the latest , is it trouble manning the gunboats , I'm sure Dai Hunt would skipper the leading boat .