View Full Version : Apparently this was spotted at Villa Park yesterday.

08-05-17, 13:58
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Someone spotted this at Villa Park yesterday 👀. <a href="https://t.co/7K3TIF6Pmh">pic.twitter.com/7K3TIF6Pmh</a></p>&mdash; Mootaz (@MHChehade) <a href="https://twitter.com/MHChehade/status/861567539310202881">May 8, 2017</a></blockquote>
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I wonder if all clubs get them at the start of the season or only the ones expected to win it.

Colonel Cærdiffi
08-05-17, 14:42
Someone spotted this at Villa Park yesterday . pic.twitter.com/7K3TIF6Pmh (https://t.co/7K3TIF6Pmh)
— Mootaz (@MHChehade) May 8, 2017 (https://twitter.com/MHChehade/status/861567539310202881)
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I wonder if all clubs get them at the start of the season or only the ones expected to win it.

Or the ones playing Brighton on the last day of the season.

08-05-17, 14:48
Or the ones playing Brighton on the last day of the season.

08-05-17, 15:26
Or the ones playing Brighton on the last day of the season.



I really should actually start following football..

08-05-17, 15:33


I really should actually start following football..

Not a great time to start mate, the season has just finished

08-05-17, 15:39
Not a great time to start mate, the season has just finished

Kin ell, just my luck.
Can someone give me a shout when the next one starts..

I assume these are regular occurrences?
Any advice on who to support and what colours they wear much appreciated, don't want to look like a twat down the local.

08-05-17, 16:02
Bloody hell, they got that up the motorway quick:---

