View Full Version : Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently

Gofer Blue
17-01-20, 09:50
Did anyone watch Question Time last night? I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone. Here is the clip from last night:


Like the actor guy, I am a white male although I would not classify myself as particularly priviliged other than being so grateful for good health in my advanced years! Whatever my feelings about Meghan Markel are, they have nothing whatsoever to do with her colour. I guess if I make only positive comments about her that's fine, but if I criticise her for anything then it must be because she is of mixed race. PC gone mad again.

17-01-20, 09:56
Did anyone watch Question Time last night? I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone. Here is the clip from last night:


Like the actor guy, I am a white male although I would not classify myself as particularly priviliged other than being so grateful for good health in my advanced years! Whatever my feelings about Meghan Markel are, they have nothing whatsoever to do with her colour. I guess if I make only positive comments about her that's fine, but if I criticise her for anything then it must be because she is of mixed race. PC gone mad again.
Have a look at any Daily Mail comments section on Meghan. There’s definitely elements of racism but not the overriding reason. What the BAME groups have done is said it’s solely racism which has polarised the debate.

I find the abuse she’s got disgusting however I do agree with you if you do find yourself not liking her/criticising her for any reason you are now branded a racist which probably fuels the fire more

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 10:04
I think you can not like her without being racist.

But you have to admit she is getting a lot more scrutiny than anyone else in that family and a lot of it is because of her race/nationality.

Read the comment section of any article about her, there’s a lot of racism. I think the media targeting of her is racist.

17-01-20, 10:35
I think you can not like her without being racist.

But you have to admit she is getting a lot more scrutiny than anyone else in that family and a lot of it is because of her race/nationality.

Read the comment section of any article about her, there’s a lot of racism. I think the media targeting of her is racist.

Same sort of thing comes up with Sterling. On the face of it he doesn't seem to do much but is or was criticised a lot more than most.

Personally think with Markle it comes more down to her being American and the situation with her father has constantly given the press an angle to work with.

Eric the Half a Bee
17-01-20, 10:40
I think you can not like her without being racist.

But you have to admit she is getting a lot more scrutiny than anyone else in that family and a lot of it is because of her race/nationality.

Read the comment section of any article about her, there’s a lot of racism. I think the media targeting of her is racist.

Kate Middleton has always been the media darling. Would she receive exactly the same adulation from some of the media if her skin was the same colour as Meghan's? If you can't be absolutely sure she would have, then there's racism involved in the British media. It's that simple.

17-01-20, 11:04
Kate Middleton has always been the media darling. Would she receive exactly the same adulation from some of the media if her skin was the same colour as Meghan's? If you can't be absolutely sure she would have, then there's racism involved in the British media. It's that simple.

Personality is also a factor. Kate seems content enough to be quiet, turn up and do stuff. Meghan speaks her mind.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 11:07
Kate Middleton has always been the media darling. Would she receive exactly the same adulation from some of the media if her skin was the same colour as Meghan's? If you can't be absolutely sure she would have, then there's racism involved in the British media. It's that simple.

The Middletons havent exactly given the media ammunition like the Markles have. Playing out a family rift in the public eye, trying to make us much money out of it as possible. Its made Eastenders look like Play School. Meghans sister is stark, raving bonkers regardless of the colour of her skin.

17-01-20, 11:09
Personally think with Markle it comes more down to her being American and the situation with her father has constantly given the press an angle to work with.
Didn't she divorce her first husband by text? I bet you could put together an interesting psychological profile for this lady, and there would be red flags all over the place.

Eric the Half a Bee
17-01-20, 11:12
The Middletons havent exactly given the media ammunition like the Markles have. Playing out a family rift in the public eye, trying to make us much money out of it as possible. Its made Eastenders look like Play School. Meghans sister is stark, raving bonkers regardless of the colour of her skin.

I accept that totally, but it doesn't answer the question I posed. Yes, I know there are plenty of other reasons. My question was would Kate Middleton get exactly the same response from the press if she had Markle's skin colour.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 11:19
I accept that totally, but it doesn't answer the question I posed. Yes, I know there are plenty of other reasons. My question was would Kate Middleton get exactly the same response from the press if she had Markle's skin colour.

Why not? As Lardy said its a lot do with personality. Besides, to look at Meghan you couldnt even tell she has black heritage.

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 11:21
Didn't she divorce her first husband by text? I bet you could put together an interesting psychological profile for this lady, and there would be red flags all over the place.

Isn't it mad everyone knows this about her and has such stong opinions?

David Beckham has cheated on his wife multiple times but is a national treasure :hehe:

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 11:22
Why not? As Lardy said its a lot do with personality. Besides, to look at Meghan you couldnt even tell she has black heritage.

The media knows, her nationality and skin colour always seem to come up in comment sections too. It's like Sterling, on the surface there are valid reasons for not liking them. But a lot of white people seem to get away with it and much more without scrutiny.

The Bob Banker Spanker
17-01-20, 11:28
It’s a mix of things I think but her skin colour is definitely a huge factor in the criticism she gets.
The fact she’s a divorcee as well probably.

The British press are absolute arseholes though.

One thing I will say about Meghan Markle is I think she’s one stunning looking woman.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 11:29
The media knows, her nationality and skin colour always seem to come up in comment sections too. It's like Sterling, on the surface there are valid reasons for not liking them. But a lot of white people seem to get away with it and much more without scrutiny.

Piers Morgan more than anyone is driving this hate campaign but do I think hes racist? Probably not. White privelaged maybe but he calls out anyone regardless of gender or creed as long as he can stay relevant.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 11:29
Isn't it mad everyone knows this about her and has such stong opinions?

David Beckham has cheated on his wife multiple times but is a national treasure :hehe:

How do you know Beckham has cheated on his wife multiple times?

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 11:31
Isn't it mad everyone knows this about her and has such stong opinions?

David Beckham has cheated on his wife multiple times but is a national treasure :hehe:

Do you think if she was a white divorcee marrying into the Royal Family the Daily Mail wouldnt have gone after the ex-husband for details? Of course they would have.

17-01-20, 11:33
Didn't she divorce her first husband by text?
There are racial undertones to that comment.
I can't explain it , but I know they are there.

17-01-20, 11:35
Personally I think everyone who is considering becoming part of the Royal Family (including unborn children) should spend at least a year on a football forum to prepare them for what's in store.

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 11:38
Do you think if she was a white divorcee marrying into the Royal Family the Daily Mail wouldnt have gone after the ex-husband for details? Of course they would have.

Camilla didn't get anything like this.

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 11:39
Piers Morgan more than anyone is driving this hate campaign but do I think hes racist? Probably not. White privelaged maybe but he calls out anyone regardless of gender or creed as long as he can stay relevant.

I think Morgan knows exaclty what whips people up into a frenzy and gets clicks.

Just as with Sterling he knows what gets his mouth breathing viewers heated.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 11:39
Camilla didn't get anything like this.

I assume youre being ironic?

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 11:41
How do you know Beckham has cheated on his wife multiple times?

It's well known and I actually know someone who's shagged him.

But it goes for loads of celebs, loads of people have been divorced/cheated and don't get the targetted abuse she does.

The thing that shocks me is quite how many people care and have a strong opinion on this.

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 11:41
I assume youre being ironic?

It was no where near this level. When was the last time you saw anything about her in the paper?

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 11:45
It's well known and I actually know someone who's shagged him.

But it goes for loads of celebs, loads of people have been divorced/cheated and don't get the targetted abuse she does.

The thing that shocks me is quite how many people care and have a strong opinion on this.

Yeah, or course you do. :hehe:

Well known because it says so in the media. So its ok for you to believe what you read but not others when its something that you dont believe? Thats just typical of you.

The media is awash with goodies and baddies regardless of skin colour. Katie Price gets loads of abuse and shes white. Plenty of white "celebs" get abuse / love depending whos in favour / out of favour.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 11:46
It was no where near this level. When was the last time you saw anything about her in the paper?

Because at the time he was rumoured to be having an affair with her we didnt have the media platforms that we have now and Joe Public couldnt vent their spleen to thousands online.

She was the "villain" for a very long time. Especially when he was still married to Diana as she was the media darling.

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 11:47
Yeah, or course you do. :hehe:

Well known because it says so in the media. So its ok for you to believe what you read but not others when its something that you dont believe? Thats just typical of you.

The media is awash with goodies and baddies regardless of skin colour. Katie Price gets loads of abuse and shes white. Plenty of white "celebs" get abuse / love depending whos in favour / out of favour.

I do, seriously. Shagged her after a party they were at about 8 years ago.

How many of them get on the front page? It's exactly the same as sterling, the media knows that anyone who's not British and not white generates a lot more outrage amongst readers. It's not out and out racism but people have a subconcious bias to people who are different and the media play with this.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 11:50
I do, seriously. Shagged her after a party they were at about 8 years ago.

How many of them get on the front page? It's exactly the same as sterling, the media knows that anyone who's not British and not white generates a lot more outrage amongst readers. It's not out and out racism but people have a subconcious bias to people who are different and the media play with this.

Did she tell you that? :hehe:

Its easy to use that as an excuse when the target isnt white / British but theres plenty of white examples. Paul Gascoigne is white and he suffered far, far worse than Sterling ever has. He finished playing 15+ years ago and they still wont leave him alone.

OurManFlint II
17-01-20, 11:51
Did anyone watch Question Time last night? I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone. Here is the clip from last night:


Like the actor guy,
I am a white male although I would not classify myself as particularly priviliged other than being so grateful for good health in my advanced years! Whatever my feelings about Meghan Markel are, they have nothing whatsoever to do with her colour. I guess if I make only positive comments about her that's fine, but if I criticise her for anything then it must be because she is of mixed race. PC gone mad again.

You are more privileged than black folk in all areas of health, employment, police harassment, life expectancy, education, prison, crime and all round living standards in the UK. You are in comparison privileged.

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 12:01
Did she tell you that? :hehe:

Its easy to use that as an excuse when the target isnt white / British but theres plenty of white examples. Paul Gascoigne is white and he suffered far, far worse than Sterling ever has. He finished playing 15+ years ago and they still wont leave him alone.

Working class people who are above their station are also loved by the media for stuff like this.

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 12:01
You are more privileged than black folk in all areas of health, employment, police harassment, life expectancy, education, prison, crime and all round living standards in the UK. You are in comparison privileged.
Yep a white person with the exact same qualifications as a black person is still two thirds more likely to get a job in the uk.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 12:05
Its all manufactured to take the heat off Prince Noncealot.

Harry and Meghan are just taking one for the team.

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 12:12
Its all manufactured to take the heat off Prince Noncealot.

Harry and Meghan are just taking one for the team.
I think that’s why this whole “leaving” has come about.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 12:28
I think that’s why this whole “leaving” has come about.

I was saying it tongue in cheek, but it wouldnt surprise me.

17-01-20, 12:34
You are more privileged than black folk in all areas of health, employment, police harassment, life expectancy, education, prison, crime and all round living standards in the UK. You are in comparison privileged.

Didn't you read his post? He doesn't classify himself as privileged so all those facts you mentioned that he has no knowledge of because he's not from that racial group, are irrelevant. Also he said it's PC gone mad, which automatically wins him the argument and doesn't make him sounds like a parrot repeating a tired, meaningless, frothing at the mouth old line at all

17-01-20, 12:39
I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone.

I'm getting tired of hearing people using the "is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone" card.

17-01-20, 13:18
Did anyone watch Question Time last night? I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone. Here is the clip from last night:


Like the actor guy, I am a white male although I would not classify myself as particularly priviliged other than being so grateful for good health in my advanced years! Whatever my feelings about Meghan Markel are, they have nothing whatsoever to do with her colour. I guess if I make only positive comments about her that's fine, but if I criticise her for anything then it must be because she is of mixed race. PC gone mad again.

Just because you don't think are particularly privileged doesn't mean you haven't benefitted from white privilege. YOu don't have to be rich or racist to have advantages from it. FOr example, you are always surrounded by people who look just like you. You see yourself represented fairly in the media, TV, films, cartoons etc. You've probably never been turned down for a job just because of your name. It's easy to find toys, dolls, clothes etc that match your skin color. You've never been racially abused or had your ethnicity questioned. You also have the ability to dismiss racism as a non-factor.

17-01-20, 13:19
Why not? As Lardy said its a lot do with personality. Besides, to look at Meghan you couldn't even tell she has black heritage.

Yet it still gets an awful lot of attention.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 13:38
Yet it still gets an awful lot of attention.

Mainly from people playing the race card.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 13:39
Just because you don't think are particularly privileged doesn't mean you haven't benefitted from white privilege. YOu don't have to be rich or racist to have advantages from it. FOr example, you are always surrounded by people who look just like you. You see yourself represented fairly in the media, TV, films, cartoons etc. You've probably never been turned down for a job just because of your name. It's easy to find toys, dolls, clothes etc that match your skin color. You've never been racially abused or had your ethnicity questioned. You also have the ability to dismiss racism as a non-factor.

Its not 1955 FFS. You can get transgender dolls these days.

17-01-20, 13:43
I'm getting tired of hearing people using the "is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone" card.

They are generally just daft old racists

Dave Blue
17-01-20, 13:51
They are generally just daft old racists

Perhaps it’s not all down to racism but it is a hugely significant factor with the right wing press and their vile readers.

17-01-20, 13:54
Did anyone watch Question Time last night? I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone. Here is the clip from last night:


Like the actor guy, I am a white male although I would not classify myself as particularly priviliged other than being so grateful for good health in my advanced years! Whatever my feelings about Meghan Markel are, they have nothing whatsoever to do with her colour. I guess if I make only positive comments about her that's fine, but if I criticise her for anything then it must be because she is of mixed race. PC gone mad again.

That actor is a posh privileged white boy who doesn't even allow the mixed race woman to finish her question

He hasn't suffered racism from the police , media , jobs market etc that black and mixed race people have and for him to say , as a white man , that britain is one of the least racist and most welcoming countries in europe is laughable along with the white people clapping him in the audience ......how the feck would he and they know about racism or wether britain is welcoming ? It doesn't affect them for christ sake

As for pritti patel , the ultimate uncle tom , happy that her parents have made the uk their home and shes done ok , but now wants to shut the borders

Stupid tart

17-01-20, 13:57
Just because you don't think are particularly privileged doesn't mean you haven't benefitted from white privilege. YOu don't have to be rich or racist to have advantages from it. FOr example, you are always surrounded by people who look just like you. You see yourself represented fairly in the media, TV, films, cartoons etc. You've probably never been turned down for a job just because of your name. It's easy to find toys, dolls, clothes etc that match your skin color. You've never been racially abused or had your ethnicity questioned. You also have the ability to dismiss racism as a non-factor.

The main reason people dismiss racism as a non factor is the fact they are white and rarely are on the receiving end of it

Cringeworthy stuff

William Treseder
17-01-20, 14:11
The main reason people dismiss racism as a non factor is the fact they are white and rarely are on the receiving end of it

Cringeworthy stuff

Unless they are fat or ginger, or plug ugly, or have a deformity. Then they are ridiculed in their own way.
Is there anyone your not offended on behalf of?
Has it come to the point where a white person living in the UK has got to be embarrassed and apologetic for just being who they are, and can’t be seen to have opinions on certain topics.?

17-01-20, 14:16
Its not 1955 FFS. You can get transgender dolls these days.

So no white privilege?

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 14:24
So no white privilege?

Know him personally do you? How do you know what life hes had regardless of skin colour?

17-01-20, 14:34
Know him personally do you? How do you know what life hes had regardless of skin colour?

I know that if he's white, it's likely none of the things I mentioned have happened to him.

Before we get started, please just answer one question: Are you denying that there is such a thing as white privilege?

William Treseder
17-01-20, 14:49
I know that if he's white, it's likely none of the things I mentioned have happened to him.

Before we get started, please just answer one question: Are you denying that there is such a thing as white privilege?
The latest “Buzz” term.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 14:53
I know that if he's white, it's likely none of the things I mentioned have happened to him.

Before we get started, please just answer one question: Are you denying that there is such a thing as white privilege?

"Before we get started" Its not Question Time ffs!!!!

You mention about TV, films, toys.etc its 2020. Ethnic minorities are well represented.

As for clothes to match the colour of their skin? WTF does that even mean?!?!?

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 14:54
Do people really think there is no prejudice in society and someone who isn't white doesn't have a lot more issues for an "equivalent" person who is white?

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 14:54
The latest “Buzz” term.

Do you not think it exists?

Gofer Blue
17-01-20, 15:06
You are more privileged than black folk in all areas of health, employment, police harassment, life expectancy, education, prison, crime and all round living standards in the UK. You are in comparison privileged.

This thread is about Meghan Markle. Compared to her, am I privileged?

Gofer Blue
17-01-20, 15:09
Just because you don't think are particularly privileged doesn't mean you haven't benefitted from white privilege. YOu don't have to be rich or racist to have advantages from it. FOr example, you are always surrounded by people who look just like you. You see yourself represented fairly in the media, TV, films, cartoons etc. You've probably never been turned down for a job just because of your name. It's easy to find toys, dolls, clothes etc that match your skin color. You've never been racially abused or had your ethnicity questioned. You also have the ability to dismiss racism as a non-factor.

This thread is about Meghan Markle. I didn't realise she had suffered all those things you mention.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 15:11
Do you not think it exists?

The term is a complex one and academics cannot even agree on its exact meaning. Even on this thread there are people using the term differently.

William Treseder
17-01-20, 15:20
Do you not think it exists?

Not in the way you and others in this thread are making out.
The majority of White people in the UK are welcoming to all folk of ethnic backgrounds, and the UK on the whole is a fair minded and welcoming place to live for all foreigners.
Do you think there is such a thing as “ Black privilege in certain countries?
I think Meghan is getting it tight , from mostly royalists who are blaming her for splintering the family, not because of the colour of her skin.
The majority of folk over here, me included couldn’t give a flying **** what her and Harry do.
The likes of you and Sludge, confuse how scummy the media can be (bugging a WHITE murdered girls phone for instance, hounding Megan Markel etc etc) with the way the rest of us conduct ourselves.

Wash DC Blue
17-01-20, 15:20
White privilege really helped the young girls in Telford, Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford, Newcastle etc.

White, working class boys have been left behind in educational terms for eons and
affirmative action has been in place for a long time.

Identity politics and those championing intersectionalism is what is toxic and what will continue pushing people to the right socially.

Also calling Pritti Patel an “Uncle Tom” is abhorrent.
I guess that Thomas Sowell is a “House Negro” because he has the audacity to hold libertarian views?

17-01-20, 15:24
Yep a white person with the exact same qualifications as a black person is still two thirds more likely to get a job in the uk.

Unless the employer is the BBC, of course

Gofer Blue
17-01-20, 15:27
I have no opinion one way or the other about Harry and Meghan. I have no problem with whatever colour she is (contrary to the opinions of the usual suspects on this MB), all we can do as outsiders is simply look at her character and behaviour. If I say Meghan is behaving like a petulant teenager, is that racist then? If I say good luck to her, let her make her own life, is that ok or is that racist?

It seems because I am a geriatric white male that automatically points to me being a racist. I presume no-one on this MB knows me personally because if they did, they would know that this is absolutely not the case.

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 15:34
White privilege really helped the young girls in Telford, Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford, Newcastle etc.

White, working class boys have been left behind in educational terms for eons and
affirmative action has been in place for a long time.

Identity politics and those championing intersectionalism is what is toxic and what will continue pushing people to the right socially.

Also calling Pritti Patel an “Uncle Tom” is abhorrent.
I guess that Thomas Sowell is a “House Negro” because he has the audacity to hold libertarian views?

No one is saying they haven't had it hard though.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 15:46
No one is saying they haven't had it hard though.

Well, we can get clothes to match the colour of skin, what else do we want?

Wash DC Blue
17-01-20, 15:46
No one is saying they haven't had it hard though.

So why is white privilege now a thing?

This is one of several pejorative tropes that have become synonymous with folk to show just how woke they are.

It’s devisive and dangerous IMO.

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 16:02
So why is white privilege now a thing?

This is one of several pejorative tropes that have become synonymous with folk to show just how woke they are.

It’s devisive and dangerous IMO.

Because a black person in the exact same position would probably have it even worse because of the prejudice they face in every day life.

No one is saying white people are privilidged and have an easy life just that in western society it's even more difficult as a black person.

life on mars
17-01-20, 16:06
its only racist, for those who are desperate for it to be racist ,how calling someone 'uppity' is racist is beyond me.

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 16:10
its only racist, for those who are desperate for it to be racist ,how calling someone 'uppity' is racist is beyond me.

Are you serious? Uppity has a long history of being used as in a racist way. There is a long history of this.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 16:13
Because a black person in the exact same position would probably have it even worse because of the prejudice they face in every day life.

No one is saying white people are privilidged and have an easy life just that in western society it's even more difficult as a black person.

Thats not what NYC is saying at all.

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 16:17
Are you serious? Uppity has a long history of being used as in a racist way. There is a long history of this.

A long history amongst a section of Americans some 100 years ago. Uppity in Britain means to be self important. Theres never been a racist connotation in the word in this country. Its more often than not used on white people in this country.

17-01-20, 16:22
I have no opinion one way or the other about Harry and Meghan. I have no problem with whatever colour she is (contrary to the opinions of the usual suspects on this MB), all we can do as outsiders is simply look at her character and behaviour. If I say Meghan is behaving like a petulant teenager, is that racist then? If I say good luck to her, let her make her own life, is that ok or is that racist?

It seems because I am a geriatric white male that automatically points to me being a racist. I presume no-one on this MB knows me personally because if they did, they would know that this is absolutely not the case.

Starting threads like this and the one about Stormzy, then constantly trying to defend the fact that you're not racist and institutions in this country aren't racist, claiming that it's just people disagreeing with the opposite standpoint and playing the race card... That makes you look racially insensitive at the very least.

None of us know if you're racist or not, but you're not helping yourself with the messages you're sending on here.

Croesy Blue
17-01-20, 16:22
A long history amongst a section of Americans some 100 years ago. Uppity in Britain means to be self important. Theres never been a racist connotation in the word in this country. Its more often than not used on white people in this country.

That doesn't mean it can't have racist connotations when used outside america though, does it?

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 16:32
That doesn't mean it can't have racist connotations when used outside america though, does it?

By the same token it doesnt automatically mean its racist when its used on someone in a country where it means something else.

17-01-20, 16:32
its only racist, for those who are desperate for it to be racist ,how calling someone 'uppity' is racist is beyond me.

It's only last week that you were using natural UK born as a synonym for white.

17-01-20, 16:38
In before the delete

17-01-20, 17:00
A long history amongst a section of Americans some 100 years ago. Uppity in Britain means to be self important. Theres never been a racist connotation in the word in this country. Its more often than not used on white people in this country.

Got agree here, I have been called uppity all my life, I have a huge failing I am arrogant (Uppity) and I do know it.
In this country it means just that. Every uk dictionary says the same if Croesy want's to start using meanings used in america 100 years ago perhaps he should start with calling trousers pants. Different countries different meanings!


17-01-20, 17:05
It is ridiculous.

These days, if you say you're British, you'll be arrested and thrown in jail.

17-01-20, 17:15
Got agree here, I have been called uppity all my life, I have a huge failing I am arrogant (Uppity) and I do know it.
In this country it means just that. Every uk dictionary says the same if Croesy want's to start using meanings used in america 100 years ago perhaps he should start with calling trousers pants. Different countries different meanings!


Uppity: An uppity person behaves in an unpleasant way because they think that they are more important than they really are.

Not sure what you're point is as it's obvious what the definition of the word is. The point being made by croesy is that it was used (and is still used to this day) against black people who didn't "know their place" in society and shouldn't act a certain way... Like they're second class citizens. So it's the connotations of the word that's important here.


William Treseder
17-01-20, 17:27
Uppity: An uppity person behaves in an unpleasant way because they think that they are more important than they really are.

Not sure what you're point is as it's obvious what the definition of the word is. The point being made by croesy is that it was used (and is still used to this day) against black people who didn't "know their place" in society and shouldn't act a certain way... Like they're second class citizens. So it's the connotations of the word that's important here.


It doesn’t mean that over here though. If you asked a random 1,000 people in towns and city’s up and down the UK to expand on the word “uppity”, I don’t think one person would say it was a racist term.

Wash DC Blue
17-01-20, 17:45
It is ridiculous.

These days, if you say you're British, you'll be arrested and thrown in jail.

Stewart Lee is a genius at winding people up.
He is smugness personified...but clever and funny.

17-01-20, 17:49
It doesn’t mean that over here though. If you asked a random 1,000 people in towns and city’s up and down the UK to expand on the word “uppity”, I don’t think one person would say it was a racist term.
Igoverner was giving us the definition of a word in order to say it doesn't mean something over here.

I could put up the definition of the Oxford dictionary definition of the word 'monkey' and say it isn't racist... But I think the majority of people would agree that if you called a black person that word then it would be racist due to it's connotations.

Uppity means the same in the US as it does here but the connotations of it being linked with racism are obviously much stronger over there.

17-01-20, 17:54
"Before we get started" Its not Question Time ffs!!!!

You mention about TV, films, toys.etc its 2020. Ethnic minorities are well represented.

As for clothes to match the colour of their skin? WTF does that even mean?!?!?

What color is “flesh colored”? What color are plasters? Ethnic minorities being represented in the media is not the same as being treated equally. Most people of color represented in films are there for a reason. A lot of films with an ensemble of black actors are considered “black films”. Have you ever heard of a white film?

17-01-20, 18:22
Thats not what NYC is saying at all.

That is exactly what I’m saying.

OurManFlint II
17-01-20, 18:29
That is exactly what I’m saying.

I think its best to let a bunch of white guys define racism and how it doesn't exist. :biggrin:

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 18:40
What color is “flesh colored”? What color are plasters? Ethnic minorities being represented in the media is not the same as being treated equally. Most people of color represented in films are there for a reason. A lot of films with an ensemble of black actors are considered “black films”. Have you ever heard of a white film?

White Chicks
White Men Can’t Jump

17-01-20, 18:53
White Chicks
White Men Can’t Jump

Films with white in the title?

life on mars
17-01-20, 19:03
Are you serious? Uppity has a long history of being used as in a racist way. There is a long history of this.

Wow I genuinely didn't know that .

Do you think when people use it that they know it's an old racist historic reference.

I thought it described folk who were a bit self important ,but arrogant??

I've used it many times never knowing it a well known racist term .

I used to have a posh aunt who was short in reply to folk , had very little patience, and she was referred to as a bit uppity .

Tell you what , there's somd well read folk on this board ,forget university , just subscribe to CCMB .

17-01-20, 19:11
Starting threads like this and the one about Stormzy, then constantly trying to defend the fact that you're not racist and institutions in this country aren't racist, claiming that it's just people disagreeing with the opposite standpoint and playing the race card... That makes you look racially insensitive at the very least.

None of us know if you're racist or not, but you're not helping yourself with the messages you're sending on here.

I think hes crying wolf a bit too much

17-01-20, 19:14
White privilege really helped the young girls in Telford, Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford, Newcastle etc.

White, working class boys have been left behind in educational terms for eons and
affirmative action has been in place for a long time.

Identity politics and those championing intersectionalism is what is toxic and what will continue pushing people to the right socially.

Also calling Pritti Patel an “Uncle Tom” is abhorrent.
I guess that Thomas Sowell is a “House Negro” because he has the audacity to hold libertarian views?

Shes a right uncle tom , daughter of immigrants , well educated , gets a good job , gets a tory mp place , now shes a right wing anti european anti immigrant pro capital punishment goose stepping swivel eyed loon

17-01-20, 19:18
Unless they are fat or ginger, or plug ugly, or have a deformity. Then they are ridiculed in their own way.
Is there anyone your not offended on behalf of?
Has it come to the point where a white person living in the UK has got to be embarrassed and apologetic for just being who they are, and can’t be seen to have opinions on certain topics.?

No white people who are ok are allright in my book

Its ignorant fools I have disdain for , whatever their background

I like the music of Lauren hill but shes got a problem with white people that is definitely racist

It takes all sorts

17-01-20, 19:20
I think its best to let a bunch of white guys define racism and how it doesn't exist. :biggrin:

I think so , nobody knows more about racism than white football fans

They face extreme racism on a daily basis

17-01-20, 19:24
I think so , nobody knows more about racism than white football fans

They face extreme racism on a daily basis

complete and utter rubbish you sheep shagger :thumbup:

J R Hartley
17-01-20, 19:28
Films with white in the title?

Men in White
Men in Black

Wash DC Blue
17-01-20, 19:39
Shes a right uncle tom , daughter of immigrants , well educated , gets a good job , gets a tory mp place , now shes a right wing anti european anti immigrant pro capital punishment goose stepping swivel eyed loon

An assertion that a person of colour should be a certain way, think a certain way and adhere to stereotypes or they are an Uncle Tom....is racist.

17-01-20, 19:39
I think its best to let a bunch of white guys define racism and how it doesn't exist. :biggrin:

complete and utter rubbish you sheep shagger :thumbup:

I am reporting you to your boss

life on mars
17-01-20, 19:46
Starting threads like this and the one about Stormzy, then constantly trying to defend the fact that you're not racist and institutions in this country aren't racist, claiming that it's just people disagreeing with the opposite standpoint and playing the race card... That makes you look racially insensitive at the very least.

None of us know if you're racist or not, but you're not helping yourself with the messages you're sending on here.

Is it racist to say I don't like that Stormzy fella he is awfully loud ,and his music makes my nose bleed as well.

Much prefer a bit of Max Bygraves, and a Bourbon Biscuit dipped into my tea.

17-01-20, 20:10
Is it racist to say I don't like that Stormzy fella he is awfully loud ,and his music makes my nose bleed as well.

Much prefer a bit of Max Bygraves, and a Bourbon Biscuit dipped into my tea.
Obviously not... saying sarcastic things like that don't help the conversation either.

If you want to know what racism is... It was racist of you to to define "ethnic people" as not being "natural born UK citizens".

Maybe you can think about that while you're having your tea and biscuits.

17-01-20, 20:51
An assertion that a person of colour should be a certain way, think a certain way and adhere to stereotypes or they are an Uncle Tom....is racist.

I beg to differ

17-01-20, 20:53
Camilla didn't get anything like this.

Camilla and Charles faced a helluva lot of bad press when they got together, which is understandable given Diana's popularity. However they rose above it, didn't answer their detractors and just got on with it. As a result she is now a far more popular addition to the royal family than was deemed possible when they first got married.

Gofer Blue
18-01-20, 00:09
Starting threads like this and the one about Stormzy, then constantly trying to defend the fact that you're not racist and institutions in this country aren't racist, claiming that it's just people disagreeing with the opposite standpoint and playing the race card... That makes you look racially insensitive at the very least.

None of us know if you're racist or not, but you're not helping yourself with the messages you're sending on here.

I have started many threads on this MB (32 according to the search function), usually initiated because I cannot believe what I am reading in the press or hearing on TV/radio.

Several times I have used the phrase "I don't believe it" after one of my favourite fictional characters, Victor Meldrew. It just so happens that in the two threads you mention here the people involved are people of colour but the comments I made were nothing to do with their colour as you well know but choose to ignore. In the case of Stormzy, I dislike rap, don't consider it to be music, and was surprised to see that he was lauded the way he was at Glastonbury. If he were white then my opinions would have been exactly the same! I won't repeat myself here about Meghan Markel, as it has all been said - you are free to have your opinion of my thoughts as I have of yours.

My posts are usually connected to Political Correctness, the absurdities of life or situations akin to the story of the Emperors New Clothes. Some recent examples are the Chris Brown’s clothes sale, the lack of a “Do not lean out of the carriage window” sign to blame for railway worker’s death, road tax evasion after scrapping the old tax disc system jumps to £100 million (surprise, surprise), and woman shoots boyfriend to increase their social media following.

My other favourite “I don’t believe it” moments include: people who complain about the cost of replica football shirts (don’t buy them then), the cost of beer at the CCS (don’t buy it then), people who spend £100+ to have the latest trainers, and people who spend thousands on curved screen TVs where you can’t see the picture unless you sit within a certain narrow arc!

18-01-20, 00:14
This thread is about Meghan Markle. I didn't realise she had suffered all those things you mention.

Actually the first paragraph in the thread is you complaining about people "playing the race card" - all those things he mentioned are the reasons why "the race card" as PC GONE MAD'ers like you like to call it, is actually a thing that exists

Eric the Half a Bee
18-01-20, 00:15
Why not? As Lardy said its a lot do with personality. Besides, to look at Meghan you couldnt even tell she has black heritage.

After 2 attempts you still didn't answer my question.

Gofer Blue
18-01-20, 00:23
It’s amazing how the thoughts of an OP can become twisted by others as a thread progresses. Also it is noticeable that people who reply often ignore certain posts by the OP because they do not fit with their ideology.

The title of this thread is: Hounding of Meghan Markel by British tabloid press is racist apparently.

Let us recap:
There was a lady in the QT audience last night who made the statement to this effect, not me. It turns out she is a university lecturer and a race and ethnicity researcher according to the BBC news website. This was her opinion, which obviously differed from the actor guy on the panel.

What no-one has mentioned yet in this thread is that there was a black lady in the audience and she said in her opinion, the treatment of Meghan Markel was not racist.
Is this a classic case of someone being offended on behalf of someone else?

Let me repeat my statements:

Whatever my feelings about Meghan Markel are, they have nothing whatsoever to do with her colour. So if I make only positive comments about her that's fine? But if I criticise her for anything then it must be because she is of mixed race?
This thread is specifically about Meghan Markel not people of colour in general. So compared to her, am I privileged, yes or no?
I have no opinion one way or the other about Harry and Meghan. I have no problem with whatever colour she is. All we can do as outsiders is simply look at her character and behaviour. If I say Meghan is behaving like a petulant teenager, is that ok or is that racist then? If I say good luck to her, let her make her own life with Harry, is that ok or is that racist?

Gofer Blue
18-01-20, 00:32

Gofer Blue
18-01-20, 00:33
Actually the first paragraph in the thread is you complaining about people "playing the race card" - all those things he mentioned are the reasons why "the race card" as PC GONE MAD'ers like you like to call it, is actually a thing that exists

Sorry to play the cracked record, but this thread is about Meghan Markel. I do not deny that all those things listed are things which ordinary people of colour might suffer from. The lady in the audience claimed that criticism of Meghan Markel arises from racist thinking. The actor guy challenged that. I did not hear any evidence that racism was behind the hounding, only opinions. I do not read any of the tabloid newspapers so I may have missed it.

Eric the Half a Bee
18-01-20, 00:38
Sorry to play the cracked record, but this thread is about Meghan Markel. I do not deny that all those things listed are things which ordinary people of colour might suffer from. The lady in the audience claimed that criticism of Meghan Markel arises from racist thinking. The actor guy challenged that. I did not hear any evidence that racism was behind the hounding, only opinions. I do not read any of the tabloid newspapers so I may have missed it.

Do you believe that the press and government and the establishment are free of racism?

Gofer Blue
18-01-20, 01:04
Do you believe that the press and government and the establishment are free of racism?

I would like to say in this day and age yes, but I cannot be sure of course. We still have blokes making monkey noises at football matches in the UK for heavens sake, which I simply cannot fathom.

Croesy Blue
18-01-20, 04:36
I would like to say in this day and age yes, but I cannot be sure of course.
I’ll give you some advice mate, they 100% aren’t.

18-01-20, 08:37
She just doesn’t want to live the royal life now it would seem, don’t really blame her, she’d rather live back the other side of the Atlantic.
Tough one for Harry, but reckon he’s always wanted to F off and go and live in a Canadian mountain lodge in the rockies somewhere anyway...he clearly hates the tabloids.

18-01-20, 08:45
She just doesn’t want to live the royal life now it would seem, don’t really blame her, she’d rather live back the other side of the Atlantic.
Tough one for Harry, but reckon he’s always wanted to F off and go and live in a Canadian mountain lodge in the rockies somewhere anyway...he clearly hates the tabloids.

After what happened to his mum when he was 11 or 12, who can blame him? Imagine what it must be like for him seeing it all start to happen again with his wife.

18-01-20, 08:57
Did anyone watch Question Time last night? I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone. Here is the clip from last night:


Like the actor guy, I am a white male although I would not classify myself as particularly priviliged other than being so grateful for good health in my advanced years! Whatever my feelings about Meghan Markel are, they have nothing whatsoever to do with her colour. I guess if I make only positive comments about her that's fine, but if I criticise her for anything then it must be because she is of mixed race. PC gone mad again.

Yes, everyone is getting tired of it, but the way out of that is to recognise why people are talking about it and what we can do to improve things. It doesn't mean agreeing with everything, but it does means listening rather than shutting down the conversation or denying people's experience. So the question should be whether Laurence Fox is listening to what's being said or saying he doesn't need to for whatever reason.

J R Hartley
18-01-20, 09:36
After 2 attempts you still didn't answer my question.

A hypothetical question with not just one “if”, but two “ifs” in it. That question? :hehe:

And if you really want an answer I don’t think it would matter. The media and public seem to like Kate for her personality. She plays it safe. She received some criticsm early doors I seem to recall but she seems to have won them over. The Royals are always there to be shot at regardless of skin tone.

Clearly there are elements of racism in some cases in the right wing media, I just don’t think there is in this particular case. It’s not like she’s copping it and he isn’t. He’s getting pelters too.

She’s perhaps getting it more as her own “family” seem hell bent on washing their dirty washing in the tabloids for their own financial gain.

18-01-20, 10:17
Isn't it mad everyone knows this about her and has such stong opinions?

David Beckham has cheated on his wife multiple times but is a national treasure :hehe:

Who with?

18-01-20, 10:19
It's well known and I actually know someone who's shagged him.

But it goes for loads of celebs, loads of people have been divorced/cheated and don't get the targetted abuse she does.

The thing that shocks me is quite how many people care and have a strong opinion on this.

If its so well known you can name them can you?

18-01-20, 10:22
Because at the time he was rumoured to be having an affair with her we didnt have the media platforms that we have now and Joe Public couldnt vent their spleen to thousands online.

She was the "villain" for a very long time. Especially when he was still married to Diana as she was the media darling.

An additional facet of their relationship was that a lot of people realised they had been very close/possibly lovers long before Di appeared, and she was told to back off. It was her he wanted all along

William Treseder
18-01-20, 10:28
Igoverner was giving us the definition of a word in order to say it doesn't mean something over here.

I could put up the definition of the Oxford dictionary definition of the word 'monkey' and say it isn't racist... But I think the majority of people would agree that if you called a black person that word then it would be racist due to it's connotations.

Uppity means the same in the US as it does here but the connotations of it being linked with racism are obviously much stronger over there.
They may be much stronger over there, but that’s because it simply doesn’t mean the same thing over here. What’s so difficult to understand about that?
It’s a moot point. Grasping at straws reaches new levels on this board regularly.

18-01-20, 10:30
Perhaps it’s not all down to racism but it is a hugely significant factor with the right wing press and their vile readers.

Why are people who read the right wing press automatically vile? Why do people always seem to have to politicise everything?

18-01-20, 10:39
I think she is way more privilaged than me or my wife.
she married him and immediately had a house and residency status in UK which she wasn't entitled to.
The law states that if a Brit marries a foreigner he has to be married to her for at least 2 years before she can apply for a visa to live in UK, and he has to complete lots of forms and give absolute proof of income/wealth and pay a deposit for medical care before the visa application can even be considered.
that law applies to them as much ax it does to you or me but it was completely forgotten, whereas I had to do all these things and spend thousands of pounds in order to acheive the same thing.
yes she is privilaged. Do you think it would have helped me not do all this if my wife was black?

18-01-20, 10:47
Are you serious? Uppity has a long history of being used as in a racist way. There is a long history of this.

Where is this history chronicled?

The Bob Banker Spanker
18-01-20, 10:50
Who with?

Rebecca Loos for one.

18-01-20, 12:12
Sorry to play the cracked record, but this thread is about Meghan Markel. I do not deny that all those things listed are things which ordinary people of colour might suffer from. The lady in the audience claimed that criticism of Meghan Markel arises from racist thinking. The actor guy challenged that. I did not hear any evidence that racism was behind the hounding, only opinions. I do not read any of the tabloid newspapers so I may have missed it.

No, you've changed it now to being specifically about Meghan Markle, whereas before you raised the point about her, and a more general point about, in your own words, in the very first paragraph of the thread :

"I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone?"

It's been pointed out multiple times in this thread that there are very valid reasons for people "playing the race card" and it's not "PC gone mad" and you've now changed your tune to "I was only talking about Meghan Markle"

William Treseder
18-01-20, 12:23
No, you've changed it now to being specifically about Meghan Markle, whereas before you raised the point about her, and a more general point about, in your own words, in the very first paragraph of the thread :

"I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone?"

It's been pointed out multiple times in this thread that there are very valid reasons for people "playing the race card" and it's not "PC gone mad" and you've now changed your tune to "I was only talking about Meghan Markle"

Pointed out by who? Experts? Or 2 bit nobody’s on a football MB?

18-01-20, 12:32
Pointed out by who? Experts? Or 2 bit nobody’s on a football MB?

The people that he invited to have a conversation about it with him :shrug:

William Treseder
18-01-20, 12:49
The people that he invited to have a conversation about it with him :shrug:
Yes. But your saying “it’s been pointed out” as if certain posters opinions are gospel.

18-01-20, 13:04
Perhaps it’s not all down to racism but it is a hugely significant factor with the right wing press and their vile readers.

What a pathetic catch-all statement. Have you ever read a 'right-wing' newspaper or do you get physically sick as soon as you cast your eyes on the evil newsprint ? Poor love.

Initially Meghan was not treated badly by the tabloid press but in recent times her high mindedness and diva-like demands for privacy has irked the British public and this is the primary reason for her fall from grace. To the vast majority of people (including the right wing press and its "vile" readers) her skin colour is irrelevant.

Gofer Blue
18-01-20, 13:20
No, you've changed it now to being specifically about Meghan Markle, whereas before you raised the point about her, and a more general point about, in your own words, in the very first paragraph of the thread :

"I wonder is anyone else getting tired of hearing people using the race card when they disagree with someone?"

It's been pointed out multiple times in this thread that there are very valid reasons for people "playing the race card" and it's not "PC gone mad" and you've now changed your tune to "I was only talking about Meghan Markle"

For the umpteenth time - what is the title of this thread? Of course I was referring specifically to Meghan Markel!!!!!!!!! The "people" I am referring to was clearly the lady who was obviously getting quite angry when she spoke and was adamant that the abuse of Meghan Markel was racial. The actor guy disagreed with her so she then played the "but you are a priviliged white middle class bloke" card - might that not be considered a racist comment too?

18-01-20, 13:26
"Ma'am, grown men are talking about me on a football message board"

the other bob wilson
18-01-20, 13:26
Yes. But your saying “it’s been pointed out” as if certain posters opinions are gospel.

I see Gofer Blue has been registered on this board since 2009, so he should know how threads like the one he started here always end up - pages and pages of people going through slightly different versions of the same story, so I have a bit of a problem with the air of bemused innocence he has been putting over regarding the way the thread has developed.

I'd just like to ask a couple of questions. Firstly, isn't Laurence Fox implicitly accepting the concept of "white privelidge" with his I was born this way line? Second, regarding "uppity", can I ask what word first springs to mind to the contributors of this thread as the most likely one to follow it? For me, it's obvious and I'd be fascinated to know what those arguing about that word think is a more common accompaniment of it.

Gofer Blue
18-01-20, 14:59
I see Gofer Blue has been registered on this board since 2009, so he should know how threads like the one he started here always end up - pages and pages of people going through slightly different versions of the same story, so I have a bit of a problem with the air of bemused innocence he has been putting over regarding the way the thread has developed.

I'd just like to ask a couple of questions. Firstly, isn't Laurence Fox implicitly accepting the concept of "white privelidge" with his I was born this way line? Second, regarding "uppity", can I ask what word first springs to mind to the contributors of this thread as the most likely one to follow it? For me, it's obvious and I'd be fascinated to know what those arguing about that word think is a more common accompaniment of it.

Not bemused innocence at all, more frustration with folk who apparently cannot/will not see what the OP has written. I accept your point though Bob, this is often the way threads develop - I guess it's just very frustrating when I am the OP on this occasion!

Re: Laurence Fox: I think the poor bloke was simply saying sorry lady but this is how I am, I cannot change it. I don't know if he was accepting any kind of concept.

Re: uppity. the only meaning I have ever come across until this thread was a word used to describe a snobbish person. I'm sure someone will now come along and say that as a closet racist I would say that wouldn't I!

18-01-20, 15:09
My mother used the word uppity about people when iIwas a boy in a time when racist in my area was virtually unheard of, mainly perhaps because there were no immigrants or persons of a different colour and therefore no perceived threat.

18-01-20, 15:16
No white people who are ok are allright in my book

Its ignorant fools I have disdain for , whatever their background

I like the music of Lauren hill but shes got a problem with white people that is definitely racist

It takes all sorts

I can agree with that.

18-01-20, 15:17
They may be much stronger over there, but that’s because it simply doesn’t mean the same thing over here. What’s so difficult to understand about that?
It’s a moot point. Grasping at straws reaches new levels on this board regularly.

It's difficult to understand why you're being dense. The meaning of a word and the connotation of a word are two different things - it's basic English. Like I pointed out, the word monkey means the same on both side of the pond (like uppity does) - but does the word have other connotations when it's in reference to a black person? The answer is yes and it's the same for 'uppity'. I've tried to explain it as best as I can.

If there are British people that have never heard the word uppity as referring to a black person (as TOBW said, it was often followed by the word n***er or negro') and think that because of that it can't possibly be racist to call a black person 'uppity' then they're just being ignorant. Before you point out that it's the other part of that sentence that's the racist bit, not uppity... the term was in widespread use so just the word 'uppity' was commonplace as a racist epithet.

Let's not forget where Meghan Markle is from if you want to play the 'it doesn't mean the same thing here as it does there' game, shall we? If a few tw*ts on a CCMB messageboard know what the connotations of the word are... don't you think trained media-types, editors and producers would have a better grasp of the situation than us?

We're never going to agree on this so it's up to you if want to argue with yourself.

18-01-20, 15:21
It's difficult to understand why you're being dense. The meaning of a word and the connotation of a word are two different things - it's basic English. Like I pointed out, the word monkey means the same on both side of the pond (like uppity does) - but does the word have other connotations when it's in reference to a black person? The answer is yes and it's the same for 'uppity'. I've tried to explain it as best as I can.

If there are British people that have never heard the word uppity as referring to a black person (as TOBW said, it was often followed by the word n***er or negro') and think that because of that it can't possibly be racist to call a black person 'uppity' then they're just being ignorant. Before you point out that it's the other part of that sentence that's the racist bit, not uppity... the term was in widespread use so just the word 'uppity' was commonplace as a racist epithet.

Let's not forget where Meghan Markle is from if you want to play the 'it doesn't mean the same thing here as it does there' game, shall we? If a few tw*ts on a CCMB messageboard know what the connotations of the word are... don't you think trained media-types, editors and producers would have a better grasp of the situation than us?

We're never going to agree on this so it's up to you if want to argue with yourself.

Point well-made sir.

life on mars
18-01-20, 17:13
It's difficult to understand why you're being dense. The meaning of a word and the connotation of a word are two different things - it's basic English. Like I pointed out, the word monkey means the same on both side of the pond (like uppity does) - but does the word have other connotations when it's in reference to a black person? The answer is yes and it's the same for 'uppity'. I've tried to explain it as best as I can.

If there are British people that have never heard the word uppity as referring to a black person (as TOBW said, it was often followed by the word n***er or negro') and think that because of that it can't possibly be racist to call a black person 'uppity' then they're just being ignorant. Before you point out that it's the other part of that sentence that's the racist bit, not uppity... the term was in widespread use so just the word 'uppity' was commonplace as a racist epithet.

Let's not forget where Meghan Markle is from if you want to play the 'it doesn't mean the same thing here as it does there' game, shall we? If a few tw*ts on a CCMB messageboard know what the connotations of the word are... don't you think trained media-types, editors and producers would have a better grasp of the situation than us?

We're never going to agree on this so it's up to you if want to argue with yourself.

It's like the word bollocks we all know what it means everywhere.

life on mars
18-01-20, 17:47
Best article I've read Trevor Phillip's is spot on .


18-01-20, 17:56
I can agree with that.


If you're both referring to this, it's not true.

J R Hartley
18-01-20, 18:03
It's like the word bollocks we all know what it means everywhere.

Make your mind up. You didn’t know the connotations of ‘Uppity’ yesterday.

life on mars
18-01-20, 18:33
Make your mind up. You didn’t know the connotations of ‘Uppity’ yesterday..

I bet not many knew the connotations of uppity before this broke as a story it's all utter bollocks , Corbyn and Brexit are finished as a subject matter ,which has left a big gap in the woe is me need brigade so they seek another crusade to cling too.

18-01-20, 18:37
It's difficult to understand why you're being dense. The meaning of a word and the connotation of a word are two different things - it's basic English. Like I pointed out, the word monkey means the same on both side of the pond (like uppity does) - but does the word have other connotations when it's in reference to a black person? The answer is yes and it's the same for 'uppity'. I've tried to explain it as best as I can.

If there are British people that have never heard the word uppity as referring to a black person (as TOBW said, it was often followed by the word n***er or negro') and think that because of that it can't possibly be racist to call a black person 'uppity' then they're just being ignorant. Before you point out that it's the other part of that sentence that's the racist bit, not uppity... the term was in widespread use so just the word 'uppity' was commonplace as a racist epithet.

Let's not forget where Meghan Markle is from if you want to play the 'it doesn't mean the same thing here as it does there' game, shall we? If a few tw*ts on a CCMB messageboard know what the connotations of the word are... don't you think trained media-types, editors and producers would have a better grasp of the situation than us?

We're never going to agree on this so it's up to you if want to argue with yourself.

It's interesting that words can gain negative connotations but rarely lose negative connotations.

For the record, I was uninformed about the connotations before this thread. Nothing wrong with learning and being able to show more respect to different cultures/communities.

18-01-20, 18:38
The Queen is not racist but she guessed what was coming

J R Hartley
18-01-20, 18:42

18-01-20, 18:53

If you're both referring to this, it's not true.

No, it's not that. She's made several statements over the years. And I know someone who worked with her. She's wrong, but I can see where she's coming from. For white people to hate races that they've colonized, used, and subjugated is hypocritical at best. At least African-Americans have a legitimate gripe.

William Treseder
18-01-20, 20:04
That’s just what I picture Heisenberg to look like 😂😂

Bluebirdman Of Alcathays
18-01-20, 20:41
The Queen is not racist but she guessed what was coming

Maybe she was concerned for her; maybe she thought "don't do this, love, it's a very strange institution and the bastards won't even let you retire otherwise you might taint their weird, infantile sense of identity." Or perhaps she was as fed up as she always looks.

Allez Allez Allez
18-01-20, 20:44
The Queen is not racist but she guessed what was coming

Really? Based on a single photo?

18-01-20, 20:51
That’s just what I picture Heisenberg to look like 😂😂

Nah, he's better looking.

life on mars
18-01-20, 20:54
This post makes me smile so pretentious.
When we getting back to evil Boris /Trump axis and the persecution of the Labour party .

cyril evans awaydays
18-01-20, 21:16
"Ma'am, grown men are talking about me on a football message board"

Didn't she divorce her first husband by text? I bet you could put together an interesting psychological profile for this lady, and there would be red flags all over the place.

18-01-20, 21:31
This post makes me smile so pretentious.
When we getting back to evil Boris /Trump axis and the persecution of the Labour party .
I know mate. Can we also get back to different ethnicities not being British as well.

18-01-20, 22:53
Didn't she divorce her first husband by text? I bet you could put together an interesting psychological profile for this lady, and there would be red flags all over the place.
Absolutely, if you have any understanding about that sort of thing. I hope Harry doesn't regret burning his bridges.

cyril evans awaydays
18-01-20, 23:33
Absolutely, if you have any understanding about that sort of thing. I hope Harry doesn't regret burning his bridges.

Oops my mistake. Turns out there isn't a shred of evidence that she divorced her first husband by text. That'll teach me for reposting fake news like this from dubious and ill-informed sources.

19-01-20, 00:21
That actor is a posh privileged white boy who doesn't even allow the mixed race woman to finish her question

He hasn't suffered racism from the police , media , jobs market etc that black and mixed race people have and for him to say , as a white man , that britain is one of the least racist and most welcoming countries in europe is laughable along with the white people clapping him in the audience ......how the feck would he and they know about racism or wether britain is welcoming ? It doesn't affect them for christ sake

As for pritti patel , the ultimate uncle tom , happy that her parents have made the uk their home and shes done ok , but now wants to shut the borders

Stupid tart

Her behaviour is toxic. Throwing other PoCs under the bus to appease the right wing and further her own career.

https://inews.co.uk/opinion/the-power-of-priti-patels-racism-denials-cannot-be-underestimated-1368313?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=ijp&fbclid=IwAR16YLwhuxDBzM7xQIUkGFsvPbiBvYqAyS8zZHbrU QiojK68zwat_2J0tgs

William Treseder
19-01-20, 10:16

19-01-20, 11:20
This post makes me smile so pretentious.
When we getting back to evil Boris /Trump axis and the persecution of the Labour party .

I think you should create a thread. One that is lifted straight from the Daily Mail comments section.

You’re just the man for the job and I’m happy to give you the attention that you have been craving throughout this thread.

19-01-20, 12:02
Oops my mistake. Turns out there isn't a shred of evidence that she divorced her first husband by text. That'll teach me for reposting fake news like this from dubious and ill-informed sources.
I must have got her mixed up with another B-list actress. What she did do was dump her husband out of the blue and then sent the engagement and wedding rings back to him by post. Very classy. Apologies for the little error in the details, I am clearly not as obsessed with the woman as you are.

19-01-20, 15:23
Apologies for the little error in the details, I am clearly not as obsessed with the woman as you are.

And yet you know and have an opinion on how she dumped her husband and gave him the rings back. I for example, had no idea about any of that. And now that I do I consider it none of my business because I have no idea about their relationship. Hell he could have been an asshole to her as far as we know :shrug:

Croesy Blue
19-01-20, 15:27
I must have got her mixed up with another B-list actress. What she did do was dump her husband out of the blue and then sent the engagement and wedding rings back to him by post. Very classy. Apologies for the little error in the details, I am clearly not as obsessed with the woman as you are.
Why are you so obsessed with her? And why are you so angry about someone who isn’t even in your life at all? This isn’t healthy.

19-01-20, 15:42
And yet you know and have an opinion on how she dumped her husband and gave him the rings back. I for example, had no idea about any of that. And now that I do I consider it none of my business because I have no idea about their relationship. Hell he could have been an asshole to her as far as we know :shrug:


19-01-20, 17:21
And yet you know and have an opinion on how she dumped her husband and gave him the rings back. I for example, had no idea about any of that. And now that I do I consider it none of my business because I have no idea about their relationship. Hell he could have been an asshole to her as far as we know :shrug:
There is a new invention called Google, you should try it!

19-01-20, 17:23
Why are you so obsessed with her? And why are you so angry about someone who isn’t even in your life at all? This isn’t healthy.
Where would you be without any drama in your life, hey? :hehe:

19-01-20, 18:19
For the umpteenth time - what is the title of this thread? Of course I was referring specifically to Meghan Markel!!!!!!!!! The "people" I am referring to was clearly the lady who was obviously getting quite angry when she spoke and was adamant that the abuse of Meghan Markel was racial. The actor guy disagreed with her so she then played the "but you are a priviliged white middle class bloke" card - might that not be considered a racist comment too?

Do you understand what racism is?

Croesy Blue
19-01-20, 18:52
Where would you be without any drama in your life, hey? :hehe:
This isn’t drama though it’s gossiping about a celeb that piers Morgan has told you not to like. I think if I found myself having such a strong opinion (especially a negative one) about someone I didn’t know and had zero actual affect on my life I’d start to worry.

19-01-20, 19:50
There is a new invention called Google, you should try it!

I use it all the time to Google things I care about! Just like you!

19-01-20, 20:44
This isn’t drama though it’s gossiping about a celeb that piers Morgan has told you not to like. I think if I found myself having such a strong opinion (especially a negative one) about someone I didn’t know and had zero actual affect on my life I’d start to worry.
I don't need anybody to tell me anything, especially if they are part of the media.

19-01-20, 21:29
This isn’t drama though it’s gossiping about a celeb that piers Morgan has told you not to like. I think if I found myself having such a strong opinion (especially a negative one) about someone I didn’t know and had zero actual affect on my life I’d start to worry.

Pot, kettle black????

J R Hartley
19-01-20, 21:48
Her “father” is despicable. What a piece of shit.

With family like that, who needs enemies?

19-01-20, 22:19
Her behaviour is toxic. Throwing other PoCs under the bus to appease the right wing and further her own career.

https://inews.co.uk/opinion/the-power-of-priti-patels-racism-denials-cannot-be-underestimated-1368313?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=ijp&fbclid=IwAR16YLwhuxDBzM7xQIUkGFsvPbiBvYqAyS8zZHbrU QiojK68zwat_2J0tgs

Horrible woman

the other bob wilson
20-01-20, 17:06

Croesy Blue
20-01-20, 17:55
Pot, kettle black????

Like who?

life on mars
20-01-20, 18:02
I'm waiting for someone to accuse her father of being a racist

cyril evans awaydays
20-01-20, 18:10
I'm waiting for someone to accuse her father of being a racist

I'm waiting for someone to come up with a definition of a naturally born UK person that excludes her son......oh hang on a minute

life on mars
20-01-20, 18:16
Horrible woman

I do agree .

I wonder how history will judge her tenancy as the Home Secretary , and that of the lost chance of having Diane Abbott in the very same role ?

life on mars
20-01-20, 18:17
I'm waiting for someone to come up with a definition of a (naturally born) UK person that excludes her son......oh hang on a minute

Good film that