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  • truthpaste's Avatar
    Today, 09:26
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    You wish :hehe:
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  • truthpaste's Avatar
    Today, 09:19
    Everyone has faith in something or someone, it's WHO you are placing that faith in that matters. Jon59 (who you were replying to) wants there to be...
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  • truthpaste's Avatar
    Yesterday, 13:24
    With the entire internet at your disposal, you should be able to prove this before darkess.
    28 replies | 897 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    Yesterday, 13:21
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    Yes, the things that really matter are simply entertainment to you. Or so you think. I'll get back to you re the big bang, so keep your popcorn dry.
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    10-01-25, 14:36
    Yes, there is plenty of evidence outside the Bible to verify it's words. After all, it if is true then truth never changes, but often needs to be...
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  • truthpaste's Avatar
    10-01-25, 13:52
    Rich, coming from the evolution side of the argument that offers zero empirical evidence for the necessary proof of macro-evolution, ALSO zero...
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  • truthpaste's Avatar
    10-01-25, 13:49
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    The issue isn't faith, because you also have faith, in a selection of scientists that have given you a pathway to dismiss God's Account. Like so...
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    10-01-25, 11:58
    Also found on the Justin Welby converstion but probably better to consider going forward here:- “The best data we have are exactly what I would...
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  • truthpaste's Avatar
    10-01-25, 11:44
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    Wake up and smell the coffee occasionally! When you read articles or scientific papers that include phrases like "that could mean...." or...
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    10-01-25, 11:28
    Very amusing. The issue is this on this subject and so many others....... Any moron can yell "wrong, wrong, wrong!" If you dislike someone's...
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  • truthpaste's Avatar
    09-01-25, 12:54
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    This may get your goat - "Scientists reveal all the evidence that Adam & Eve really did exist" They move a little closer as time goes by...
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    08-01-25, 20:55
    It's impossible to have any meaningful conversation with you because like many of the people in your agnostic camp, you've given almost no thought to...
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  • truthpaste's Avatar
    08-01-25, 20:51
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    I'm not the yelling type, more the discussion sort; and you'd be very surprised how many people walk up and want to have a serious chat.
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    08-01-25, 18:18
    truthpaste replied to a thread Drones in Alternative forum
    Funny you should say that, but all false religion can be traced back to either an individual angel or a cluster of them.
    30 replies | 1694 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    08-01-25, 18:15
    Indeed, and as a society the more we CAN know about the things that really matter..... the less we seem to know :xmassherlock:
    28 replies | 897 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    08-01-25, 18:11
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    Loads of trouble in the evolution cult, correct. Even Jesus said about liars - "You brood of vipers!" (Matthew 12:34) when highlighting deceit. ...
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    08-01-25, 14:28
    No, I am NOT misrepresenting your chosen hope for the origin of mankind, I have exposed it at the foundational level. So don't blame me if it...
    28 replies | 897 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    08-01-25, 14:25
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    On this issue I would also run for the hills in your position. This cannot be solved > "complex life being unable to develop from primitive...
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    08-01-25, 14:17
    truthpaste replied to a thread Drones in Alternative forum
    Thanks for your update Stevo: Please let me give some clarity to my perspective based on the coming events as given in the Bible from various...
    30 replies | 1694 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    08-01-25, 14:09
    truthpaste replied to a thread Drones in Alternative forum
    Thanks for your update Stevo: Please let me give some clarity to my perspective based on the coming events as given in the Bible from various...
    30 replies | 1694 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    08-01-25, 12:39
    Well it could be said that the information age presents the last straw for evolution. You will know that science comes from the Latin and means...
    28 replies | 897 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    07-01-25, 17:40
    Science says:- "Evolution is both a fact and a theory. It is an incontrovertible fact that organisms have changed, or evolved, during the history of...
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  • truthpaste's Avatar
    07-01-25, 17:35
    Shhhh, don't mention this to those convinced that Evolution points to a brighter future, City eventually stuffing Barcelona and an interface for your...
    28 replies | 897 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    07-01-25, 17:13
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    While you are deliberating on the facts that would cause you to believe that Christ died and rose from the dead, I have started a new discussion re...
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    07-01-25, 14:49
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    Noted. So what type of evidence would convince you that Christ died, and was then seen alive after His death?
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    07-01-25, 00:30
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    Strobel addresses the attempts to discredit his research You can look up each individual from the information in the article linked below. FULL...
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    07-01-25, 00:14
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    In the evidence for the Resurrection we should expect the likes of Fitzgerald and many others to try and discredit anyone who dares to suggest that...
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    06-01-25, 18:38
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    If you are really confident that there is no evidence OUTSIDE of the Bible for the Resurrection then here are no less than 4 proofs in this 2 minute...
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    06-01-25, 13:43
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    From 10.45mins - 16.30mins in the >> interview Strobel provides numerous reasons why the Bible's claim of the Resurrection more than stands up...
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
  • truthpaste's Avatar
    06-01-25, 13:03
    truthpaste replied to a thread Justin Welby in Alternative forum
    Dancing around this eh, as you wish. You dismissed his evidence as fluff. Now have the bottle to explain why or retire to it.
    311 replies | 11863 view(s)
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