Scott Adams has another very interesting blog entry. The theme is "The emperor's new clothes". Adams claims that if one person can't see what everyone else can see then the thing they are seeing is probably not there. Of course, there are obvious excepts to this so he can't mean it as a 100% rule, but I think it is an interesting idea. The way Adams explained it the thing that everyone else can see must be an "unlikely additional thing". He says the claim that Trump is another Hitler is false because it is an unlikely additional thing and at least one person – himself - can't see it.

When I was watching the following interview with Mrs Assad I found it very hard to believe that such an attractive and intelligent sounding woman would have anything to do with an evil cruel tyrant if her husband was such a person. I know all about things like the "halo effect" but I have also come across many evil people in my life and not one of them was able to disguise his or her basic rottenness for long. I think most older streetwise people can detect criminality and evil in a person's demeanour. We are being told by Western propaganda that Mr and Mrs Assad are evil but I can't see it. For example, Assad has put himself through many years of hard medical training when as the son of a dictator he could have just led the life of Riley like the sons of so many other dictators. He seems very calm, modest and intelligent in his interviews. He seems the total opposite of the people who are trying to take over his country. To me it is obvious that we are being lied to by our government and its media about Assad.