Quote Originally Posted by ihatealiens2 View Post
I was referring to this sarcastic comment earlier. De-platforming any website whether it be left or right leaning doesn't matter. We live in a western world where our forefathers fought a war so we could all speak freely whatever our political persuasion. I have never visited the conservativetreehouse website but it's name implies it is a politically right leaning website providing some sort of imformation. In my view it would not be a good thing if that site or for say example Snopes would be de-platformed or do you disagree?
There's a good saying that goes "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences".

If a website that consistently tells incendiary lies to the public, which has then led to acts of hate speech and violence, then I'd be more than happy for them to find a new platform to spout their bile and corruption.

Let's also recognise that Trump may potentially be banned from Twitter in January too. It's not a freedom of speech issue there either.

Twitter is a Ltd company and can ban anyone they like from accessing their platform for breaking their terms and conditions. They're not banning his freedom of speech as he's entitled to go somewhere else and type in all caps about how all Mexicans are rapists etc.

He might struggle to find a new home that isn't the new right-wing social media offering though.