Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
agree but having been introduced to american politics maybe from this thread for the first time ever this time around i find the whole thing captivating

to me trump has been shafted big time what i,m seeing on the ground obviously from what i,m seeing and reading from the states

if he dosen't turn it around this time he will contest it until he dies .

as for this powell lady now she s a strange one . when you listen to her she sounds so convincing with her so called evidence . surely if she presents her evidence to a court and it get kicks out she will go prison her self

heres a clip of her in action with her big mouth

There is a well known phrase about telling truth to power. This guy is one of a number who Trump fired because of it.


“Look, I think these — we can go on and on with all the farcical claims alleging — interference in the 2020 election, but the proof is in the ballots,” Krebs said. “The recounts are consistent with the initial count, and to me, that's further evidence, that's confirmation that the systems used in the 2020 election performed as expected, and the American people should have 100 percent confidence in their vote.”

As I said before Sidney, Lin Wood, Guiliani, Uncle Tom Cobley and all have to prove two balancing things. That the Commie software switched tens to hundreds of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden or added/removed them and broadly the same number of paper ballots were switched or added/removed under the noses of the poll watchers and recount watchers to make sure the commie software and physical ballots tallied.

I don't know what you are seeing on the ground that changes that simple conundrum but could you ask Santa to send me some as it could brighten up Christmas!