Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
you will be pleased to know that his legal has lost an appeal today to overturn the decision in pennsylvannia . I think this has been designed by trumps legal team as it will go to the supreme court even quicker

as for evidence check the 104 page lawsuit above by sidney powell in terms of bad practice at polling stations . talking of her just saw some footage of her claiming her legal team has now got pics and footage of ballot harvesting and evidence of more than 10 million illegal votes . No doubt this will be used in the supreme court as evidence

maybe it's all b@@llocks who knows but lots of mileage in this election for sure get the pop corn out


I fear I can't help but there might be bits of clarity in the following:

The Pennsylvania lawsuit that Guiliani presented was first considered by a judge who was considered a right wing Republican. He ripped it to shreds. Trump's gang appealed. Three Republican judges, the lead of which was appointed by Trump shredded it even further.

Trump's lawyers supposedly cheer because the strategy of presenting a shit case to the lower court, which was the same shit case that went to the appeal court can now be the shit case that goes to the Supreme Court. At which point it will be the first time it is considered by any judge appointed by a Democrat President. Obviously the swivel eyed mob expect the new make up of the Supreme Court to forget their oath to the constitution and overturn the Pennsylvania election.

The lead judge said "“Voters, not lawyers, choose the president. Ballots, not briefs, decide elections,” Remember that Mozz.

As for Sidney in Georgia and Michigan... completely different case. She may look she's away with the fairies but those fairies are funded by lots of people like your mates in the States who believe this shit and are happy to fill Sidney's bank account up to and beyond the point she is laughed out of court.