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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #4476

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Trump has tweeted twice today about US inflation while urging their central bank to cut the base rate tomorrow by 1% from its current 2.25%. In the first he said inflation was 'very low' and minutes later it was 'wonderfully low'. Various US stock indices are at or near all-time highs and is why he claimed recently that its economy is 'the greatest ever' when in reality it's an illusion predicated on fake news by way of their fiddled data and the massive creation of new debt which the American public shoulder through high inflation that they're told is a fraction of what they are really experiencing.

    I'm sure that if our real inflation rate was at 10%+ instead of the current CPI inflation of 1.9% we're at we'd all be aware we were being lied to big time however much the corporate media concealed the truth. But Yanks I see posting at US-based forums who are fully aware they're being robbed blind through the declining purchasing power of their currency are incredibly relaxed about it.

  2. #4477

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Not entirely about Trump, but he's definitely a part of it.


  3. #4478

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Not entirely about Trump, but he's definitely a part of it.

    It's whacky that some people think that Trump was framed to stop him becoming president, or that Flynn was set up to remove him as national security advisor! What are these people on, hey?

  4. #4479

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Anyone seen Cyril? I didn't expect him to miss the "Storm"

  5. #4480

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's whacky that some people think that Trump was framed to stop him becoming president, or that Flynn was set up to remove him as national security advisor! What are these people on, hey?

  6. #4481

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    The President of the US is saying stuff like this. It's absolutely nuts.

    And the thing is people are dumb enough to believe it. We only have to look at page 135 of this thread to see that.
    A sad but worthwhile thread responding to Trump's reprehensible strategy of lying about babies being killed by mothers and doctors just to stir up his base.

  7. #4482

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    A sad but worthwhile thread responding to Trump's reprehensible strategy of lying about babies being killed by mothers and doctors just to stir up his base.
    Is promoting Planned Parenthood going to be your new cause? If so, I think it deserves its own thread.

  8. #4483

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    The picture is now becoming more clear, lardy is finally silent about Trump Russia Collusion, and Cyril ran away. Make of it what you will, but there can now be no doubt about what went on prior to the US election, and after it. The scale of it is unprecidented.

  9. #4484

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    The picture has always been clear in your head because you have only ever seen things from one, biased, perspective. Even if what Fox and the Republicans claim is true and we accept there was no collision with Trump, what happened was that Clinton had the wheels of one Government working for her victory while Trump had the same help from a powerful foreign power.

  10. #4485

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    The picture has always been clear in your head because you have only ever seen things from one, biased, perspective. Even if what Fox and the Republicans claim is true and we accept there was no collision with Trump, what happened was that Clinton had the wheels of one Government working for her victory while Trump had the same help from a powerful foreign power.
    And which foreign power was that?

    Can you define the wheels of government? Does that include using the intelligence agencies to start a CI investigation with a false predicate, i.e. a setup?

    The truth is not biased. The people who were spreading the propaganda were biased! I looked at both sides of the case, and I applied my own reasoning and logic. It appears that you are still believing the fake version of events, even after 3 years of lies and misdirection.

    For the record I supported Miliband and Corbyn during the two previous elections, so I am hardly a conservative!

    P.S. the clear picture in my head about Russian collusion used to be a conspiracy theory according to you lot. What changed?

  11. #4486

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    And which foreign power was that?

    Can you define the wheels of government? Does that include using the intelligence agencies to start a CI investigation with a false predicate, i.e. a setup?

    The truth is not biased. The people who were spreading the propaganda were biased! I looked at both sides of the case, and I applied my own reasoning and logic. It appears that you are still believing the fake version of events, even after 3 years of lies and misdirection.

    For the record I supported Miliband and Corbyn during the two previous elections, so I am hardly a conservative!

    P.S. the clear picture in my head about Russian collusion used to be a conspiracy theory according to you lot. What changed?
    Your version of the truth is biased - you may have looked at both sides, but there is nothing on here over a period of years from you to indicate that you have ever applied equal standards to that looking! As for myself, I have never claimed to be unbiased - I detest Trump, have done ever since I was aware of his existence and will do until the day I die.

    When it comes to collusion accusations, I thought there was a probability that there was collusion based on what I knew of Trump's character and I still think that the way the word "collusion" was seized upon by his supporters as a kind of be all and end all as far as the Mueller report goes was very telling - all that has changed as far as I'm concerned is that one man decided that there were not sufficient grounds to proceed with collusion charges, not quite the same thing as a flat out denial that there was any.

    The foreign power I refer to is Russia because I believe it was the will of their Government, in particular the person at the head of it, that there be a particular outcome in the 2016 American election. I also believe it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that the allegations that the "wheels of Government" in the USA worked to try and ensure an outcome different to the one Russia wanted have some truth to them - if there was such a plan I could never support it, but, given the man they were trying to stop, I could, to a small degree, understand it.

    You often say it is no longer about left or right in politics, yet seem keen to prove your left wing credentials. For myself, I'll stay on the left because in this era of globalists versus non globalists as you define it, what I see with the latter is a series of dangerous looking and arrogant populists who embody many of the worst aspects of the political right.

  12. #4487

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Your version of the truth is biased - you may have looked at both sides, but there is nothing on here over a period of years from you to indicate that you have ever applied equal standards to that looking! As for myself, I have never claimed to be unbiased - I detest Trump, have done ever since I was aware of his existence and will do until the day I die.
    It's was so bad I couldn't even make any kind of positive case for the other side, so should I lie just to make myself appear less biased in your eyes?

  13. #4488

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Is Papadopoulos an innocent man?

  14. #4489

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    So we're at the point where the president of the US is sharing doctored videos of his political opponents.

    Quite good to read through the replies though, and see all the videos of Trump himself slurring.

  15. #4490

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    So we're at the point where the president of the US is sharing doctored videos of his political opponents.

    Quite good to read through the replies though, and see all the videos of Trump himself slurring.
    Yeah, but there was no collusion.

  16. #4491

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Enjoy the Punch & Judy fun while you can, things are about to get very real.

  17. #4492

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Nice Job

  18. #4493

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Rumours are that it wasn't his hair that made him stay indoors when every other leader was out in the rain paying respects, it was concern about his spray tan running.

    He has his priorities but do remember he is strong on the military, according to himself.

  19. #4494
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    1,375 Well Sourced Examples Of Barack Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.


  20. #4495

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

  21. #4496

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    No checking for falsehoods, W-B?

  22. #4497

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdman Of Alcathays View Post
    No checking for falsehoods, W-B?
    It's a primary source that speaks for itself. Make of it what will

    He was right about the no collusion over two years ago, so you have to give him some credit, while the corporate media got it totally wrong.

  23. #4498

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's a primary source that speaks for itself. He was right about the no collusion over two years ago. Make of it what will
    In another thread you said all politicians lie; I assume this means Trump as well?

    And it's not a primary source either - that would be Mueller's report.

  24. #4499

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdman Of Alcathays View Post
    In another thread you said all politicians lie; I assume this means Trump as well?
    Is he a politician? He doesn't act like one. I'd say more of a chief executive who is doing great things with the economy.

  25. #4500

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdman Of Alcathays View Post
    And it's not a primary source either - that would be Mueller's report.
    Him defending himself would most certainly be a primary source. How could it not be??? Who is reporting what he is saying???

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