Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
Only a rise of 0.1% on last month, but the symbolic significance of it hitting 3% will, surely, be damaging for the Government at a time when they have plenty of problems anyway.

A question for those who know about these things. I eat a lot of blueberries these days and through the summer I could get a large carton (enough to last me for a week) for £3, but, in the last month, I still pay £3 for the biggest carton on sale, but it's now about half the size of what it was a month ago. I've looked in other supermarkets and the same thing has happened in them, so I think it must be a seasonal thing, but do the inflation figures cater for things like this - presumably they do, but I'm still paying the same as I used to for my weekly supply of blueberries, yet I'm only getting half as many as I was before.

I think that shrinkage thing applies to a lot of other products as well. Certainly to chocolate bars. I don't eat it but was listening to something on Radio 4. More or less it's called and is good for things like this. They said that bars are shrinking and also that you see more Non chocolate items like fudge/bits of whatever in the new range bars cause it's much cheaper for the makers. That more or less programme covers loads of subjects. Some a bit daft but entertaining a fair few are about money and the economy. I find it a good listen.