Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
As someone who has known Christ since Jimmy Scholar was managing the City, I can tell you that organised religion is NOT the answer and forms the biggest barrier to individuals finding Almighty God at a personal level.
Religion = conflict, control, anger and confusion.
Christ provides true peace, true freedom, a real purpose in this life a real hope for the future.
Jesus declared - "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, nobody comes to the Father, except through me"

The retirement benefits aren't too shabby either
Had you been born in another geographical location and/or in another point in time you would be lauding the concepts of Valhalla, Elysium, The Happy Hunting Grounds or a myriad of other possibilities.

White people raised in the UK in recent centuries are, statistically speaking, overwhelmingly likely to become Christian if they adopt any religion whatsoever. It has been the state religion, we were all exposed to it at school, at home, in youth organisations, in cermonies such as weddings and funerals etc etc.

It's all about which religion we are exposed to and indoctrinated with at an early age, which explains the low level of sikhism in Iceland and the dearth of believers in Valhalla in the Punjab.

Religion is merely a cultural conduit spread across the globe by missionaries, empires and even commercial entities. Such is this connection that Spanish speakers, whether they live in Mallorca or Manila, are likely to be Christians etc. Hebrew speakers are likely to be Jewish and over 90% of Arabic speakers are Muslims.

Believing in the first religion we are exposed to (if we are to be religious at at all) and rejecting all others is entirely predictable.

BY the way, you never answered my question about Moses i.e. what evidence is there regarding his reports about God's statements? Can you direct us to a credible audit trail of any description?