Interesting topic - I do like the religious ones.

I don't think we have become anti-Christian. I think Christianity has changed in the sense of it has become more polarised.

When I grew up and went to church - politics was never discussed, I never heard any anti-gay stuff and the church was welcoming to refugees and other minorities. In a crisis the church used to be the first on the front line... handing out food, helping out, providing support.

To be clear.... some churches still do that, quietly getting on with things. My brother belongs to a church in Cardiff that get on with those things.

However, there was a change in the 1990's and 2000's where I saw a lot of churches start to embrace politics... anti-gay, anti-immigration etc. To the point where it become their ONLY issues.

That sadly remains today... I'll give you an example, I was accidentally left on a CC email where churches are encouraged to write to, lobby and demonstrate AGAINST the Welsh Assemblies plan to criminalize 'conversion therapy'. The practices of forcing children and adults into a dangerous programme to make them 'Un-Gay'. A practice that should be banned and is very dangerous.

When I looked at the website link in the email it was full of bile nonsense without an ounce of compassion or humanity.

When I looked at the email list.... old middle class angry daily mail reading white males with nothing better to do. **** em.

No wonder people are sunning the church. I have... despite being a believer. Jesus was also probably first out of the door.

So I absolutely do not want the country to be a Christian country if it is anything like these ****ing morons.