Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
Why are you so angry with her? She's not lecturing, she's trying to bring to attention that action needs to be taken now. I know it's embarrassing that it's had to be a 16 year old girl that's taken the lead on this huge matter, I'm embarrassed too, but I respect her for it.

It's clearly triggered a lot of insecurities in you though, I mean calling a 16 year old who's stood up and made a speech in front of the United Nations a "little snivelling brat"? She's stronger and has got more courage and conviction than you and I put together and I'm not threatened by that, you (and plenty of others) scream of it though.
Like reading trump fans/republicans on reddit looking at the state of some of the replies to this thread (they were calling a young kid who got a slap off a big hard republican man for not taking his hat off “a libtard” and “liberal pussy” the other day. But the idiots calling out this young girl on here ain’t far off.

If that was my kid, or some other kid from my local area I’d be proud as **** for the fact she’s standing up and making her voice heard. Good on her. The fact the idiots have to resort to name calling like brat/rich etc so s crazy.