Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
Forget about the Punch and Judy Show in the Commons because it's a charade. Bar for minor cosmetic differences the red, blue and amber teams are merely hand puppets for private bankers, multinational companies and major landowners who employ lobbyists to get what they want. MPs have a higher calling than to them though, that's to themselves as self-enrichment is their number one priority.

It matters not a jot who anyone votes for in General Elections because whatever the the outcome it results in the same thing: more laws, less liberties; more surveillance, less privacy; more taxes, less disposable income; more societal decay, less cohesiveness; and more state dependency, less independence as the middle class continues to be eviscerated while the West's former wealth flows East to China and elsewhere at an accelerating rate.

The pragmatic turn out to place an X next to a candidate who they believe represent the least worse option and what will be ever so slightly better for them and absent of any emotion attached to the bunk surrounding the uncaring Tories/fluffy Labour false paradigm pantomime stuff.
Best post in this thread matey