Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
Jewish people aren't endowed with a higher intellect at all Dorcus, there are cultural and environmental reasons for successes and failures and I have read about both as regards them and others, false eugenics is a dangerous route to go down.
The Labour party is fast becoming the party of the middle classes, appealing to civil servants of all grades, teachers, nurses, office workers, middle management etc, if we were having this online chat a few decades ago yes but moving up to middle class I don't think is one of them at this point in time.

I'm glad to see you challenge Stalkus' race theories Trampie, because I still don't think you're actually one of the racists in that party.
Although I usually disagree with you I have the impression that you're well intentioned.
You're right of course that in reality there are plenty of Jewish people who are neither rich nor particularly clever, but the socialist mind becomes jealous when they see hard workers succeed , and of course some Jews are successful. Now, when socialist envy is combined with low intelligence, it can quickly conclude that the Jews are bad because " they are all rich ".
I'll tell you why this is dangerous . It's because it's exactly the same thinking which hitler exploited in 1930's Germany, starting with the kind of stuff we've heard from Corbyn and gradually building until the Jews are seen as the ones who are responsible for all poverty and failure in society.
Any socialist needs someone else to blame if he ****s things up - that's a fair definition of socialism. It's a very evil philosophy which causes and has caused millions of deaths , many wars and endless human suffering. Well, we can absorb that in a democracy when they just hate anyone who's done better than them and dream of the day they can collectively mug the successful people, but when one group like the Jews are singled out we know what can happen .

Maybe you think I'm exaggerating by comparing Corbyn to hitler, but I'm not you see. This apparently low level anti semitism must be firmly rejected at an early stage or it can grow quickly.

Right here, we see two chatters ( not you ) defending it... Repeatedly "accusing" me of being Jewish and going on to say " your sort" think and do so and so. We see the worse of the two in the post above saying that Jews are " not ethnically British", and that they have a different intellect than others.

It's not nice Trampie, and I think you're better than listening to their poison