Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
Anyone else notice that Corbyn is never, or hardly ever, referred to as Jeremy, but Johnson becomes Boris with great regularity, as this thread demonstrates? It's because the media have long humanised the posh oaf, and so the easily conditioned fell for it.

I recall when all workers were just workers. Then along came the 2010 General Election when Tory spin doctors categorised them as hard workers over and over again until those who are manipulated with ease begun to parrot them. Today I know of seven people who often big themselves up as hard workers or hard-working to boost their ego and because they're too dim to realise the phrase was designed to further divide those in the middle and bottom rungs of society. Amusingly, five of those seven are career desk jockeys who I somehow doubt have ever sweated or performed eight hours worth of physical labour in a single day.
Excellent diversion from the thread topic - are you a politician?!