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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #4251

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    And the bufoon reckons he can get 10m tests.

    Can you imagine the queue? Christ, it’s bad enough going to Costco for eggs

  2. #4252

    Re: Coronavirus update

    My GK's mum still cannot get a test booked :(

  3. #4253

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    And the bufoon reckons he can get 10m tests.


  4. #4254

    Re: Coronavirus update


    good thread explaining the testing situation in the Rhondda

  5. #4255

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post

    good thread explaining the testing situation in the Rhondda
    Thanks, I see from that the current R rate in Wales is between 0.5 and 1 which is a fair bit lower than the "England and Wales" value published yesterday.

  6. #4256

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Can you imagine the queue? Christ, it’s bad enough going to Costco for eggs
    These tests would be sputum tests done at home

  7. #4257

    Re: Coronavirus update


    another thread looking into the shambles that is the testing system in the UK.

  8. #4258

    Re: Coronavirus update

    The vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe. If they don't, then the country is safe.

  9. #4259

    Re: Coronavirus update

    the number of companies involved in all of this who clearly were never suitable, but happen to be big donors to the Tory party is utterly scandalous.

  10. #4260

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    The vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe. If they don't, then the country is safe.

  11. #4261

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    The vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe. If they don't, then the country is safe.

  12. #4262

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post

    another thread looking into the shambles that is the testing system in the UK.
    You don't have to look too far to find evidence of the incompetence which has become the trademark of the Uk Govvernment and yet the same poll which had Conservative and Labour level last weekend now has the Tories three points up again with their vote share having grown by two per cent - shows you what you can do if you can indulge in a bit of sabre rattling, and international law breaking, around Brexit.

  13. #4263

    Re: Coronavirus update

    The UK government guidance on diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms. Testing (not specified) is recommended for cases who are well enough to remain in the community. No guidance is given as to how to interpret such a test or any actions that should be taken consequent to the test results. Thus, new cases in the UK could reasonably be thought to mean cases diagnosed by clinical symptoms.

    Public Health England describes the four pillars of testing to include swab testing and additionally serology testing for certain groups. The methodology for counting cases states the following:

    “If a person has both a negative and a positive test, then only their positive test will be counted. If a person is tested as positive under both pillar 1 and pillar 2, then only the first positive case is counted.”

    An asymptomatic person who tested positive could have two confirmatory negative tests, but would still count as a confirmed case. In Wales, data is deduplicated on 42-day episodes; if someone is tested twice, 43 days apart, they will be included in the case count measure twice.

    The UK government updates its guidance and recently posted on assurances of positive results during periods of low prevalence.

    The latest guidance states that ‘positive test results at the limit of detection that occur early in the cycle of infection are important as these represent individuals who may go on to transmit infection.’ The guidance asks laboratories to ‘determine the threshold for a positive result at the limit of detection based on the in-use assay,’ without stating what the threshold should be. If necessary, the laboratory should request a repeat sample; again this advice is given without a threshold to guide when to do the repeat test.

    What is the case definition being used for clusters of UK cases being reported currently?

    We deduce that a reported “case” is most probably simply the result of a positive PCR test. The new guidance is meaningless unless it provides a clear threshold for the limits of detection. For many whose test turns up positive, there may be nothing recorded about any clinical symptoms.

  14. #4264

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You don't have to look too far to find evidence of the incompetence which has become the trademark of the Uk Govvernment and yet the same poll which had Conservative and Labour level last weekend now has the Tories three points up again with their vote share having grown by two per cent - shows you what you can do if you can indulge in a bit of sabre rattling, and international law breaking, around Brexit.
    That’s a reflection of how gullible or stupid and preoccupied some of the electorate is regarding Brexit. The fact Boris & co have lied their way throughout the Brexit issue and continue to dishonestly inclines me to think we’re absolute stupid ****ers.

  15. #4265

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
    That’s a reflection of how gullible or stupid and preoccupied some of the electorate is regarding Brexit. The fact Boris & co have lied their way throughout the Brexit issue and continue to dishonestly inclines me to think we’re absolute stupid ****ers.
    Absolutely spot on and it seems like the same scenario is happening in the US with Donald Trump's mind bendingly dumb MAGA cult converts.

    It's like as though this cult of Brexit has put a huge minority of people's brains into a state of intoxicated suspended animation and because of this they're unable to make rational analyses.

    This excuse for a government has certainly been the worst in my lifetime and they're barely a year into power. One wonders just what more nightmares are in store for us with every day that passes. It's like living in a Salvador Dali painting!
    Last edited by Dorcus; 13-09-20 at 13:40. Reason: Brain fade

  16. #4266

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Just been down Sully car boot sale.

    Safe to say no one gave a toss about distancing

  17. #4267

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Fake Floo

  18. #4268

    Re: Coronavirus update


    The details of more than 18,000 people who tested positive for coronavirus were published online by mistake by Public Health Wales.
    The health body said the data of 18,105 Welsh residents was viewable online for 20 hours on 30 August.
    Most cases gave initials, date of birth, geographical area and sex, meaning the risk of identification was low, Public Health Wales (PHW) said.
    However 1,928 people in living in communal settings were more at risk.
    Nursing home residents or those living in supported housing also had the name of their place of residence published, meaning the risk, while still considered low, was higher.
    The incident was the result of "individual human error" when the information was uploaded to a public server searchable by anyone using the site.
    PHW said the information had been viewed 56 times before it was removed but there was no evidence so far that the data had been misused.

  19. #4269

    Re: Coronavirus update

    183 cases reported in wales today

  20. #4270

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    183 cases reported in wales today
    You would have to imagine cases will rise now. The testing center that i pass everyday, has gone from me never seeing a car there, to it being rammed packed and queues everywhere.

    We have shortages in work where people are isolating and waiting for tests.

  21. #4271

  22. #4272

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    183 cases reported in wales today
    No deaths now since August....on a positive note....if that’s allowed

  23. #4273

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Just got in from walking my dog where I talked to two people - one is having to travel from Treherbert to Aberyswyth for a test today and the other told me that a relative of his, who is a nurse, was told she would have to go to London from the Rhondda for her test. Seems that as soon as the "world beating" programme is put under any sort of pressure (all of the indications from around the world are that things are going to get worse here before they get better as well), it can't cope.

  24. #4274
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Just got in from walking my dog where I talked to two people - one is having to travel from Treherbert to Aberyswyth for a test today and the other told me that a relative of his, who is a nurse, was told she would have to go to London from the Rhondda for her test. Seems that as soon as the "world beating" programme is put under any sort of pressure (all of the indications from around the world are that things are going to get worse here before they get better as well), it can't cope.
    Is there any danger of you ever posting anything positive about this virus? I get the impression you won’t be happy until 1000 people a day are dying again, just so you. Can say “I told you so”

  25. #4275
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    The NHS people complaining about these test centres fail to mention the fact that they are run by the NHS. Abercynon and Cardiff are each doing about 1000 tests daily and Cwm are doing 6-700.
    If they want more tests available in specific areas they can set up more test centers or send away teams to hot spots.
    The away team sitting in Cardiff center are going nowhere just because the NHS trust running it will not give it any instructions to go anywhere.

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