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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #8376

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I remember the times when "experts" would be interviewed saying that the existing vaccines would only need to tweaked a little to be able to cope with new variants when they arose and that this process should only take something like six weeks to a couple of months. That's certainly not been the case with the Delta variant and so I'm sure that it'll be the same for this new variant - it'll reach the UK eventually and I think all we can do is hope that it doesn't turn out to be as bad as feared because I don't see us being given vaccines next year which will make us completely safe from it.
    In defence of the "experts"

    The current vaccines are dealing with the Delta variant. If you look at the graphs of cases/hospitalisations/deaths, they go up and down together - until the vaccine rollout. UK daily cases are as high as they've ever been with the Delta, but hospitalisations and deaths are low.

    I don't know what the six weeks to a couple of months refers to, but I can't imagine it's research+development+manufacture+rollout+complete replacement of previous vaccine stocks all in that time.

    If anyone is holding their breath for a vaccine to make us completely safe, then I'd advise against it.

  2. #8377

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    How do you know they haven’t been tweaking and testing them over the last year? I bet you they have, let’s face it they sorted the initial one out pretty quickly. No doubt using up stocks of what we already have as they still work.
    one of Pfizers people ( chief scientist or something ) said that they could tweak the vaccine and it would be in production in a few hours

  3. #8378

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    How do you know they haven’t been tweaking and testing them over the last year? I bet you they have, let’s face it they sorted the initial one out pretty quickly. No doubt using up stocks of what we already have as they still work.
    I'm not saying they haven't been, but, based on the Delta variant, it's not as simple as it was made to sound early in the year. Around this time last year, news broke that the Pfizer vaccine had been approved and I can remembered a virologist being interviewed on the day saying that things should be back to normal in the summer. Many people will say that they are, but how is it normal when, at current rates, there are a thousand people a week dying of Covid in the UK and the new cases figures are heading up again? I can remember 20,000 people dying in a year with flu and that was considered to be a very bad epidemic. Despite vaccines being available for nearly a year now, Covid will kill more than double that number if current rates are maintained and yet people some people talk of the pandemic in the past tense!

  4. #8379

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO


    61 people tested positive on 2 flights to Schiphol from SA on Friday, so just over 10% of the passengers of the 2 flights were positive

  5. #8380
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    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    The more variants that appear now the better so we can find improved vaccine, better that than seeing vaccination improvements scaled back .
    For the love of god, please tell me you work nowhere near virology.

  6. #8381
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    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    How do you know they haven’t been tweaking and testing them over the last year? I bet you they have, let’s face it they sorted the initial one out pretty quickly. No doubt using up stocks of what we already have as they still work.
    I'll bet you "they" haven't been tweaking and testing vaccines for new variants. Do you have any idea the time and cost associated with testing?

  7. #8382
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    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    I'll bet you "they" haven't been tweaking and testing vaccines for new variants. Do you have any idea the time and cost associated with testing?
    I've certainly got no idea, but as you clearly have, could you tell us? Then we won't make such silly statements again. How much does it cost, and what is the breakdown of the cost? I'd love to know.

  8. #8383

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    For the love of god, please tell me you work nowhere near virology.
    I think we're on safe ground there.

  9. #8384

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    I'll bet you "they" haven't been tweaking and testing vaccines for new variants. Do you have any idea the time and cost associated with testing?
    they can tweak it though I said above I saw a interview with one of Pfizers people ( chief scientist I think ) he said that they could tweak the vaccine as needed and it would be on the production line within hours ( this was early this year though, things could have changed )

  10. #8385
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    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    they can tweak it though I said above I saw a interview with one of Pfizers people ( chief scientist I think ) he said that they could tweak the vaccine as needed and it would be on the production line within hours ( this was early this year though, things could have changed )
    "Tweaking" mRNA vaccines is "simple" and quick. However, testing them is not.


  11. #8386

  12. #8387

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    It’s the thousands of CRFC fans stranded over there that I feel sorry for

  13. #8388

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Omicron symptoms mild so far, says South African doctor who spotted it https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59450988

    Let’s hope this is right, spreads easily but very mild symptoms

  14. #8389

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Football related evidence that the Omicron variant seems very contagious.


  15. #8390

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Football related evidence that the Omicron variant seems very contagious.

    On BBC news tonight Cardiff Rugby say that the squad was tested again and reported that still only the two players with Covid, one of whom has the Omicron variant. So maybe not so contagious??

  16. #8391

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Taken from the Guardian’s rolling coverage.

    Early figures from South Africa show that fewer than a third (31%) admitted to hospital with Omicron related Covid are suffering what qualifies as severe symptoms. This compares with two thirds suffering severe symptoms in the country’s first two waves.

    Sounds encouraging.

  17. #8392

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Better get that Christmas party in quick:

  18. #8393

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Had my booster today. My first 2 were AZ, this was Moderna. Wiped me out, light headed, fell asleep, nausea, just coming out of it 6 hours later. Unusual, I’m normally robust to injections

  19. #8394
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
    Had my booster today. My first 2 were AZ, this was Moderna. Wiped me out, light headed, fell asleep, nausea, just coming out of it 6 hours later. Unusual, I’m normally robust to injections
    Had my booster yesterday.

    First 2 were also AZ, but the booster was Pfizer. Arm a bit more sore than for the first two, but otherwise OK. Is there some value to the mix and match approach to the booster, or doesn't it matter?

    For the first two jabs the NHS were insistent on using the same vaccine. For the booster from what I have read there may be a benefit in changing it?

  20. #8395

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Hoping that Omicron is the beginning of the end of Covid (As a big issue anyway).
    Very transmisable and so far very mild.

  21. #8396

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Had my booster yesterday.

    First 2 were also AZ, but the booster was Pfizer. Arm a bit more sore than for the first two, but otherwise OK. Is there some value to the mix and match approach to the booster, or doesn't it matter?

    For the first two jabs the NHS were insistent on using the same vaccine. For the booster from what I have read there may be a benefit in changing it?
    I was rough 12-36 hours after my Booster.
    Felt worse than the second I think.
    Arm hurt for probably 4 days.

  22. #8397

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
    Had my booster today. My first 2 were AZ, this was Moderna. Wiped me out, light headed, fell asleep, nausea, just coming out of it 6 hours later. Unusual, I’m normally robust to injections
    Had flu like symptoms after my first AZ jab, felt fine after my second one and then it was a pleasant surprise when I didn't have any side effects from my Moderna booster a fortnight ago - I was certainly expecting some after hearing one or two horror stories from people who'd had the same combination as me, but nothing at all.

  23. #8398

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Quote Originally Posted by Wash DC Blue View Post
    Hoping that Omicron is the beginning of the end of Covid (As a big issue anyway).
    Very transmisable and so far very mild.
    If it’s not mild we will all be in lockdown again for January at least…..

  24. #8399

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO


    People have been advised against attending Christmas parties to ease "increasing pressures" on the NHS.

  25. #8400

    Re: Coronavirus update - ALERT LEVEL ZERO

    Drakeford announces that it would be desirable if we all carry out a lateral flow test before we go shopping or visiting other people. Wow, are there enough test kits in Wales for everyone to be able to do that on a regular basis? I got our first test kit this week from our local pharmacy as my wife has cold-like symptoms and we wanted to check it out (negative thankfully). It was ironic to read that the kit was made in China - a nice little earner there. Start a pandemic and then supply the test kits!

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