Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
Didn’t see the conference, but I agree about Van Tam. The EU cocked up for sure, but the concerns about the vaccine were genuine it would appear, so some of the jingoistic we were seeing about a fortnight ago in some sections of the media was misplaced as well as childish
I think the point is that:

- IF there is a link between clotting and the jab then it is very weak
- For old people: they'd be far, far more likely to die from COVID than the clotting (IF there is a link). So it is beneficial to jab them EVEN IF there is a risk of clotting.
- For young people: they are very, very unlikley to die from COVID and so IF there is a risk of clotting, then the number of young people who die from clotting would be far closer to the number that are prevented from dying of COVID because they have had the vaccine. So the benefit of having it for any one person does not so obviously outweigh the risk IF there is a link to clotting
- But overall, having young people vaccinated is a Good Thing as it may help stop the spread EVEN IF the young person having the jab would likely be asyptomatic.

That does sort of make sense to me. There is some uncertainty as regards the link; even with the link it is a no-brainer for older people; but a bit less clear cut for the younger ones so give them the other jabs (although it's not like the other ones come with no risk of some bizarre side-effect either).