Quote Originally Posted by chris lee View Post
I really do not get this whole should have locked down quicker, we have scientific advisers addressing the country, who have said we need slow down the infection rate. not once said we need to stop it dead. If we went on lock-down on day 1, yes the infection would not spread but that is just kicking the can down the road, what we all live in isolation for 1-2 years while a cure is found? we have brought in measures step by step and while we till have not reached our peak, it does not seem to be out of control.

Both my mother and sister are nurses and while they have a lot going on, they both say capacity has not been reached by the majority of hospitals so not sure why there is so much hysteria, we have not got patients lying in the streets like Italy do, and if we all follow the governments measures we could likely avoid it.

people are listening to the news all day and getting worked up, nothing is falling apart, drive past your nearest hospital ( i volunteer at mine) its not burning in hell fire, we do not have bodies lining the street.


However I will say we could have prepared better in hindsight, stopped non essential travel before the disease hit us ect, however This is the first pandemic to hit the UK in my life time, and i think all of us can admit our attitude was slightly more flippant when news first started to break in China, we are just people trying our best at the end of the day, I hate this blaming culture.
We could have prepared a lot better and there is a good chance we will get a spike in infections in 2 weeks time just like italy did. If we had been clever we would have looked at Spain and Italy and isolated 2 weeks earlier and not reached the peak.