Meanwhile nearer to home Cardiff Council are displaying their lack of competence and lack of care again.
When they closed the Market in town the stall holders complained, pointing out it is basically a food market and exempt from closure but the council closed it anyway. But they promised the stall holders that while it was shut down they would be exempt their rental for the stalls and business rates.
The Market traders asked them to deep clean the place and make sure it as clear of any contamination during the lock down period but they said the couldn't put cleaners in there because it is an enclosed space.
The market traders want to open on Monday but the Council say the market cannot open for at least a week. Apparently the council has retained a firm of architects to survey the floor area and mark out where the 2 metre distancing marks must go and the procedure will take at least a week. Of course the place still has to be cleaned yet too.
And now they have issued letters to the traders saying that the council has changed it's mind and now the rents and business rates not paid will be added on to the traders accounts as arrears when the market opens as they have withdrawn their pledge to waive these charges.
The words piss-up and brewery spring to mind.