Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
Yes, the staff shortages as more and more people end up in isolation are great news. I'm seeing supermarkets struggling to get some items on shelves. Transport providers are struggling to maintain services.

People are still dying of this new variant. I lost a friend in his fifties, fit as a fiddle, who had Covid. He had a heart attack, rare but Covid is known for occasionally causing heart problems, and didn't make the ambulance ride to hospital.

Whilst every death with Covid is an absolute tragedy, 🚨 #Covid19 was involved in 6.5% of deaths across Eng/Wales for the most recent week

◾️ 93.5 % of deaths were non Covid19

◾️ Number of deaths (all causes) in private homes was 34% above the 5-year average. Since pandemic an excess of 82.8k deaths

Source: ONS

To concentrate so much on one illness after a hugely positive vaccine take up , is not right. We need to move on and risk manage the people who are vulnerable don’t we ?