Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
Clearly this second vaccine would be more convenient in practice than the Pfizer one.

Weren't you the same guy a week or so ago who was severely criticizing Mark Drakeford for not immediately investing in loads of infrastructure to deliver the vaccines at -70C , then there were people involved in the cold delivery logistics type company saying that that would be a huge challenge as the capacity would be massively exceeded.
Something that would last for 6 months in a normal freezer and 1 month in a normal fridge would clearly be much easier to manage a large scale roll out.
yes I was critical of Mark Drakeford. At the time none of us knew that Pfizer had addressed the transportation issue, nor that it was stable for 5 days in a fridge ( not a 'normal fridge' but a specific clinical standard fridge, as the others would be as well). In practice the Pfizer one should not be an issue for us in UK.

I think other vaccines that appear more stable might be better deployed to warmer countries or those parts of the world where 'cold chain' transport might be more difficult

Any how the Moderna vaccine is unlikely to be available in UK anytime soon as we in UK haven't ordered so the Pfizer one may have to do